Posted: 10 August 2010, 4:16 AM
Making news
although Matthias Mueller and Fabian Hertner are Swiss not Norwegian, are Norway that desperate to win on home solid that they are sending out reports of such to countries that dont know any better
Posted: 10 August 2010, 2:56 PM
Looks like we are in for another broken nights sleep. How long do you think our boys will take for the Long course
Posted: 10 August 2010, 4:41 PM
Are we putting a wager on this? Chris 61.10 Winner 56.50. Go well all you Kiwis. And you too Matt.
Posted: 10 August 2010, 9:01 PM
Lara has made it - hooray - waiting nervously for Chris now
Posted: 10 August 2010, 9:09 PM
he should scrape in Carsten
Posted: 10 August 2010, 9:15 PM
Lara and Chris through, both had me nervously calculating who could still slip in ahead for a while!
Posted: 10 August 2010, 9:18 PM
Thomas ran well too but heck those times are so close.
Young Lundanes is really coming of age now, taking on the maestro Tero.
Brrr... its cold this early morning
Posted: 10 August 2010, 9:20 PM
Well done kiwis, Lara and Chris make the Finals of the long
Posted: 10 August 2010, 9:21 PM
Is it early morning, or late night in NZ? Good work there by Lara, and Chris got his act together after a slow start
Posted: 10 August 2010, 9:23 PM
yip they're gonna be tired puppies by the end of woc.
Posted: 12 August 2010, 3:01 AM
Great report on your Long Qualification Tom. Really appreciate the time you put into your reporting. Sounds like a good run, and shows just how tough it is at the top.
Posted: 12 August 2010, 4:23 AM
Hear hear. Another good comparison to play against Tom is ozzie Rob Preston. He is quite experienced, you did well to beat him Tom. You can tell him to eat more apples...
I am absolutely in awe of the fantastic maps, huge areas with no man-made features, and if its like what I've seen very runnable and readable.
Posted: 12 August 2010, 5:01 AM
Hard-luck story: Sandy Hott (was Sandy Smith, CAN) 16th in both mid and long qualifications. In spite of being married to a Norwegian.
Posted: 12 August 2010, 8:05 AM
I'm looking forward to seeing the finals maps, just looking at some of the older stuff they look to be a bit different, a few more tracks, less rock, more physical looking. The Qual maps will be hard to beat, I'm wondering whether they would have preferred the other way around but due to better satillite coverage in the final area the decision was made for them. In future events maybe it will become essential for good coverage for tracking etc..
Posted: 12 August 2010, 8:15 AM
Can we claim any medalist wearing black as a kiwi?
Thought for the day... when will we see more camOsuits on the market? Neil started the trend years ago but unfortunately for him there hasn't seemed to be many orienteering events amongst the zebras on the african savannah