Posted: 10 February 2016, 11:41 PM
There also was a canopy in the mix as well which was on the edge of the two paths separated by two fences. Looking in Ocad it looked fine blown up but needed a good print at final scale to confirm that it was too cluttered. Other places on other maps were similar (especially on the university maps) - at the limit of legibility.
Based on the world cup experience, if you have time, sometimes an area requires several versions before you settle on the final one. Too detailed, too generalised - what to leave in, what to leave out - almost like opposing forces battling the mapper to get the utopia - the perfect map - which is never going to happen as I could tinker with a map forever and change my mind from time to time on how best to show features.
The Map Guy
Posted: 11 February 2016, 3:29 AM
Sounds very much like the Eric Andrews "pick me" principle needs to be applied. Whilst Eric generally used it on rock and boulder features I often apply it to other features whilst fieldworking. The fieldworker needs to take time out, have a deep breath or two, and ask him/herself what is important to the competitor.
In cartography, a vegetation feature may have to be made a tad bigger or smaller (than actual size) to show clarity (e.g a gap). A test print at map scale should be used in preference to what is seen enlarged on a monitor.
Posted: 11 February 2016, 5:18 AM
There's another principle like that, in course planning. Mentally take each control out. Was it necessary?
Paul I
Posted: 11 February 2016, 7:52 AM
The art of graphic generalisation is slowly becoming extinct now that mappers base material is becoming finer. People often try to maintain absolute accuracy, where the old art of exploding space a little in order to achieve better clarity is still an optimal solution in many over complex/tight situations. Who cares if the gps track missed by 0.3mm
Posted: 13 February 2016, 4:20 AM
Another funny at Whitireia was perhaps course planning as well as cartography. There was mention in the programme about not squeezing past the water tank (as marked on the map). If I have picked the right place, the small purple blob over the gap with the water tank in it, looks just like part of the broken circle for the control code 137:-)) But still the best area IMHO.
Posted: 20 February 2016, 2:42 AM
Comments from national federations on the "final" draft of the ISOM revision appear on They include NZ's submission. There's also discussion on Attackpoint at
Posted: 6 March 2016, 10:01 AM
For years I've used the "T" symbol for a trig beacon. I suppose we don't have many "shooting platforms" of the European kind. But perhaps 537 Cairn might be more appropriate. In the current ISOM it says in brackets "or a trigonometric point in some countries" so we could certainly use it if we wanted to. The draft ISOM revision drops the brackets so it looks likely to be bedded in. What do others use, and what do you think I SHOULD use for trigs?
The Map Guy
Posted: 10 March 2016, 3:37 AM
I've been using the cairn symbol for a trig for many years.
About 30 years ago our club used a T for power poles. This was wrong and has long since been discontinued.
Posted: 10 March 2016, 11:35 AM
As the trigs are disappearing and there is generally only one, if any on a map, does it need a special symbol? Could not the general manmade feature suffice?
Posted: 28 April 2016, 8:04 AM
A question for those who load kmz files onto their GPS's - what's the best tile size? I notice overlap discrepancies which presumably come from differences between WGS and the NZ grid, will they go away if I make many smaller tiles? Is it influenced by the accuracy of the grid-magnetic angle? Or anything else?
Posted: 3 May 2016, 9:11 AM
From a LINZ newsletter: "We’re about to publish a 1m LiDAR derived DEM and DSM for a large portion of the Auckland region. This data was captured by the Auckland Council, and is part of LINZ’s role in the national coordination of LiDAR data to contribute to the development of a national Digital Elevation Model."
I would guess this is irrelevant for Auckland mappers who have been able to get data direct from the council, but when it extends across NZ this will be very cool. Though having used a lot of LiDAR derived data, the artificial wiggles have made me appreciate one of the un-sung benefits of Stewart Hyslop photogrammetry. He was a sort of filter of unreasonable detail. Better to add little nooks and crannies in the field than to have to take fictional ones out. I talked to Stewart recently, there's hardly any demand for PG now, but I think he said he could probably get diapositives made if necessary. The old photo library is now being looked after by Opus Consultants in Napier.
Posted: 18 May 2016, 2:54 PM
Maps are now available for this years' World Champs.
Automatically generated with LiDAR and Land Survey data, they have been released now "to ensure equal possibilities for all nations".
Posted: 20 May 2016, 12:48 PM
Top Australian mapper Eric Andrews has died. Eric was a specialist in mapping the detailed granite areas that are popular there, and that gave rise to extremely pertinent advice on generalisation, which will live on. Something like, I look around and ask which rocks put their hands up and say "pick me!" The rest don't go on the map. The middle and long in this year's Oz Champs will be in the Queensland granite belt near where he lived, and may well be on his mapping.
The Map Guy
Posted: 21 May 2016, 9:09 AM
I am devastated to hear of Eric's passing. He was truly a Giant in fieldworking techniques and a great mentor. Whenever I find it tough about deciding what is to go onto the map I ask myself what would Eric do, and the “pick me” principle resounds in my brain. Eric's teachings have never let me down.
Thank you Eric for your wisdom, expertise, and the pleasure and challenges you gave me running on your maps. You have left big shoes to fill, but your legacy will carry on for generations in those orienteers who pursue the art of making maps.
A mighty totara has fallen in our orienteering forest - or should that be a eucalyptus?
Posted: 2 June 2016, 6:28 AM