Posted: 19 May 2003, 8:38 AM
Hey Chris... even if the Estimated Winning Time is 105 mins at Naseby -don't be overly surprised if you DO spend more than 2 1/2 hours out there!! Naseby is well known for eating alive even very good Orienteers
Posted: 19 May 2003, 10:44 AM
Chris this is orienteering not an adventure race, if you want to spend over 2 1/2 hours in terrain look for an adventure race program.
I don't really want to start (continue) the debate on 105 min winning time but its shit.
Posted: 19 May 2003, 10:58 AM
When I started the thread I was hoping to get some comment from real elites not wannabes or tryabees!! (smile)
Yes the program is wrong it does say 100% each day. A preliminary discussion of organisers has now confirmed that we will be doing 100% on the days that have a rest day before them.
Naeby 100%
Naseby 90%
Mt Ross score 60 min
Cuttance 100%
Waikaia 100%
Overton 90%
Now the question of 90 EWT or 105 EWT for the 100% days. From early comments it looked like no one liked 105 mins but Chris has now said he wants longer times. Ta;lking to Jason at the weekend he said he preferred longer EWT's and would be very disapointed if there wasn't at least one 105 min race.
How about some proper (Coaching Director approved!) elites replying not just the self acknowledged wusses. Don't forget you can always run 21AS
stu barr
Posted: 19 May 2003, 12:26 PM
I think I qualify as an elite..... At least I hope I do!
I like 105 minute winning times. It is these races that test the physical preparation of our elites and separates them from the next level of competitors. But I don't see why we are obsessed with only classics in New Zealand! Why not a Short distance? Even a sprint race? Perhaps you could have spectators! But I guess that's not what orienteering is about. Perhaps we could somehow connect this thread to another in which we could discuss the loss of juniors (again)....
I don’t think we necessarily have to mimic the European way of doing things, but maybe we should listen to what our foreign visitors have to say.
Posted: 19 May 2003, 1:42 PM
What about another loop event like last year at naseby. now that was legend
Posted: 19 May 2003, 2:47 PM
There are some proposals about for at least one sprint-length or maybe even shorter race, in addition to the 6.
Posted: 19 May 2003, 4:54 PM
quote: I was hoping to get some comment from real elites not wannabes or tryabees!!
What are you talking about Bruce? You got comments from NZ's best ever Elite (Alister), 2 NZ test members (Chris and Jamie) plus NZ's 3rd highest world ranked Greg Flynn!
Even so... (for the moment at least) course 1 is an open grade. I may be a wannabe or a "tryabee", but I pay my entry fee and finish within time limit. Why can't I have my say about course 1 as well?
Posted: 20 May 2003, 3:04 AM
I thought I might ruffle a few feathers about wannabees!
Sorry I realise there are genuine elites putting ideas forward and comments from them are valued. What I meant was the comments from those on the fringe of elitedom (or just entering 21E because they are older than 18!) shouldn't dictate race lengths. Or should they?
As Michael has said we are looking a sprint race in the late afternoon after the Mt Ross score event
stu barr
Posted: 20 May 2003, 3:08 AM
So when people complained that the races were too long for the amount of races in the week it was decided to add a whole new event?
Andrew M
Posted: 20 May 2003, 3:20 AM
No elites are not generally "wusses", and if you run elite you deserve an opinion.
I felt that the races during the Easter/ANZAC Carnival were about the right distance.
Start the week with a 105 min classic on Naseby to sort the men from the boys. Use Waikaia for another 105 classic, but keep the remainder of the races to 60 mins or less.
Last time we tried racing consecutive 105 min races was during the ANZ Challenge Carnival in 2001 and that was just a battle of attrition with many elites pulling out of one or more of the races thereby compromising the strength of the fields. I think that most of the elites enjoyed the last few days of the ANZAC 4 day because the could still compete in each of the races with out feeling overly fatigued.
Does anyone know which of the races are being included in the Super Series?
Regards Andrew.
Posted: 20 May 2003, 4:10 AM
I think I can safely say that no-one knows which of the races will be in the superseries.
I would expect to first (a) try and get some blood out of a stone (er, I mean try and get info from clubs about the spring area champs, Easter 2004, QB 2004 and anything else) and (b) have a discussion with the squad.
Michael Wood, 2003 Superseries Manager
Posted: 20 May 2003, 6:24 AM
stood on a few toes there Ecurb.
whose opinion were you trying to get?
I still think even 90% of 90 is too long on those days you mention, that sounds kind of like a classic but not, and I don't think the maps involved (with the exception of Naseby) merit it, and I don't think its good for the athletes or competiton
Stu, a sprint race has been in the pipeline well before this controversy stirred. Nothing final has been decided, in fact the idea is morphing somewhat possibly.
My suggested programme (call me a wuss if you like)
day 1 Naseby 105 minutes
day 2 Naseby 60 minutes
day 3 day of rest
day 4 Mt Ross 60-90 minute score
day 5 rest
day 6 Cuttance 60 minutes
day 7 rest
day 8 Waikaia 105 minutes
day 9 Overton 60
remember theres a possibility of a park race in there somewhere to, either day2 or 4
Posted: 20 May 2003, 6:27 AM
by the way,
have another look at what Bill Edwards had to say
if that guys not an elite none of us are
Posted: 20 May 2003, 6:38 AM
stood on a few toes there Ecurb.
whose opinion were you trying to get?
I still think even 90% of 90 is too long on those days you mention, that sounds kind of like a classic but not, and I don't think the maps involved (with the exception of Naseby) merit it, and I don't think its good for the athletes or competiton
Stu, a sprint race has been in the pipeline well before this controversy stirred. Nothing final has been decided, in fact the idea is morphing somewhat possibly.
My suggested programme (call me a wuss if you like)
day 1 Naseby 105 minutes
day 2 Naseby 60 minutes
day 3 day of rest
day 4 Mt Ross 60-90 minute score
day 5 rest
day 6 Cuttance 60 minutes
day 7 rest
day 8 Waikaia 105 minutes
day 9 Overton 60
remember theres a possibility of a park race in there somewhere to, either day2 or 4
Posted: 20 May 2003, 9:21 AM
Stu said (sorry I'm not smart enough to do those flash little quotes with lines above and below)
"So when people complained that the races were too long for the amount of races in the week it was decided to add a whole new event?"
Remember you don't have to enter ALL the events!!!!!!!