Posted: 24 May 2007, 12:49 PM
Good to hear.
You have voiced your opinion Jenni and I cannot argue with the way that one feels. Neil has raised some very good points in this discussion and in my opinion seems to be one of the only ones making sense here. Basically Neils last post is what my posts are based around.
At Waitangi, from what I saw I got a feeling that you were the one pushing for a protest. This was how I felt and no amount of arguing on maptalk can change the way I felt about the situation. The most annoying part of the whole process was that a protest did occur. Now this is not annoying by any means, I was actually glad a protest had occured to prevent any nagging comments afterwards. What annoyed me was the fact that after the protest the issue did not finish. Comments were made on maptalk, as well as in your local club newsletter about the matter from a biased opinion which discredited the procedures that had taken place in the protest. That, and only that, is what I am annoyed at.
I personally am all for fairness and would prefer to see something invalidated if something is not fair on a competitor (being reasonable), rather than to have time allowances etc put in. Regarding the superseries and invalidations, perhaps some sort of points allowance could be setup to acknowledge that those competitors went to the event. It isn't the competitors fault that organisers sometimes make mistakes, and if this contributes to an unfair overall competition then that does sort of suck.
This message was edited by Simon Addison on 24 May 2007, 7:52 PM
Posted: 24 May 2007, 1:29 PM
I didn't know Chris Morris and Fraser are inclined to protesting?
Posted: 24 May 2007, 1:51 PM
Paul, your posting yesterday had a very valid message and it appears to have worked. Why did you remove it?
Paul I
Posted: 24 May 2007, 2:16 PM
I thought it sounded a bit too much like me telling my children off after they had been very naughty! I then figured that we are all adults and hoped common sense would provail, amazingly my faith in human nature has been restored. I had also hoped my post had been on long enough to provoke some thought to those it was aimed at, without leaving any lingering censorship feelings, afterall we do want everybody to be able to speak their minds and contribute to a interesting and lively forum.
This message was edited by Paul I on 24 May 2007, 10:13 PM
Posted: 24 May 2007, 3:08 PM
I hope this post won't mean that you'll remove your recently restored faith in human nature, Paul. Carsten thinks I should include what I put in our club newsletter as it sounds like I wrote something horrible. I think I left it to thre reader to decide what they thought was fair. Many probably agreed with the controller and thought Rob J should have been disqualified and no doubt there were others who disagreed. (Isn't it a sign of interest in a sport if the ref's decisions are questioned anyway - not that I did in this article - it does seem to be what a lot of newspaper reports do on rugby and soocer games anyway)
Here's what I wrote:
Only hours later another head to head racing opportunity arose at the relay held with great views over Lake Taupo. Each team consisted of three runners with at least one woman. The planners had done well to pose route choices which separated the field and split controls which punished those who were merely following. The Southerly Storm team of Rob, Sara and Carsten crossed the line first but unfortunately Rob had not waited long enough for his electronic punch to register on some of the controls and this team was disqualified. (The electronic units go to sleep after a set amount of time and are turned on when the first person reaches them. It takes quite a lot longer than the normal length of time before the unit beeps and flashes. Leading most of the way on the first leg meant it was Rob who was turning on many of the units.) Only a minute or so behind the first Southerly Storm were the team of Mike, Jenni and Aaron who were able to take second place behind the Northern Knights team. The Southerly Storm junior team of Daniel, Georgia and Riki Cambridge showed they weren’t too far behind and will be pushing the veterans out of the first teams soon!
This was included with descriptions of the other events and comments like
This article will try to give you a taste of the great orienteering... and As well as the senior and junior elite courses there were courses of varying lengths for veterans and juniors and over 300 people enjoyed the great orienteering. Next year it would be great to share the weekend with even more PAPO members!
I hope you were pleased (and sorry you were irritated, as you say,) Simon by my glowing report of the great orienteering.
I can only be flattered that it's my opinion that you are so worried about. I can remember making one comment that the disqualification could be protested on the grounds of fairness. What I remember most doing during the relay was looking after Kaia who had been vomiting all night but was finally coaxed to eat something by one of the sausages at the event. I just asked Carsten now who actually protested as I didn't know. I wasn't even sure if there had been an official protest or just one of those controller/affected person discussions between Rob J and the controller.
On the original subject of this thread... should Carsten just make a decision now on which events to use (from the existing major events calendar) taking account of what is written on these pages. Obviously he can't satisfy conflicting requests on where to start the season - is the split season thing a compromise or not favoured.
Posted: 24 May 2007, 3:38 PM
I think Carsten will do a great job working out a cool superseries timetable Maybe not so many rounds as part of Waitangi next year if it goes ahead, because in reality that was probably too much.
We did appreciate the glowing report on the event and at no stage did I question anything other than the comments made regarding the protest for the relay. Perhaps we could at some stage have on the nzorienteering site a copy of all protest reports, of which a brief unbiased summary can be written so that people can use this in reports and articles.
Posted: 25 May 2007, 1:32 AM
Now that is a fantastic idea...
Posted: 25 May 2007, 2:56 AM
what did you write pauli?
go on, share it with everyone.
Paul I
Posted: 25 May 2007, 3:21 AM
shouldn't you be out doing something constructive mark
Posted: 25 May 2007, 3:45 AM
Mark being constructive... Never!
Posted: 25 May 2007, 5:24 AM
I'm shocked.
It's not like you to stoop to my level.
Posted: 25 May 2007, 5:43 AM
What level are you on Mark? I am on level 7.
Posted: 25 May 2007, 5:55 AM
level 8.5