Posted: 30 August 2006, 6:04 AM
I know where Jamie is coming from but I've driven from Christchurch for a weekend of orienteering at Waikaia on at least two occasions that I can remember and was very glad I did. I couldn't/wouldn't do that every weekend but once a year is fine. If I had many equally good maps to choose from near my home (like I had when I lived in Sweden) then I wouldn't (and didn't) have so much motivation to travel. But the fact is if I want to go orienteering on varied, quality maps and live in NZ, I have to travel.
The point is how can we add value to going to these weekends' orienteering so they do improve our orienteering skills - should we add a day of training as well (if people have enough holiday they can take)? Maybe we all just need to think a bit more about how we orienteer and what we need to do to get better than we are...
This message was edited by Jenni on 30 August 2006, 2:35 PM
Posted: 30 August 2006, 8:14 AM
Waikaia is a great map. If its part of the super series thats fine, it will be a great event. I was just expressing my reservation over the time travelling and cost involved.
I think again you are talking around the bush Greg. Who are you accusing of putting in a piss poor effort?
Are they people who have given up most of their 20's to orienteering and performed well for NZ on the world stage?
I think we should focus on providing people good reasons for going orienteering, rather than criticising them when their mojo is down and they would like to spend some of their time doing other fun stuff.
What you guys are doing by running Waitangi weekend is a really positive step towards providing good orienteering and keeping people motivated
Posted: 2 September 2006, 7:12 AM
Dont mean to be rude, i realise that there is a lot of planning involved in the superseries and all. But can a list of events be finalised? cos just looking at flights down to dunedin, and they're already $300 (invercargill $392). I know we can get some of this reimbursed, but we still need to cover the tickets ourselves, and if we wait any longer i wont be able to afford the plane trip down
So if the events could be named ASAP it would be greatly appreciated 
Posted: 2 September 2006, 7:44 AM
Trying to get everything finalised by end of next week. So far Wellington Champs is confirmed as the first round, which includes Classic - Middle - Sprint - Classic (Classic being 80% of Long)
Still trying to finalise whats happen after Nationals, haven't had much feedback on whether people are going to hang around (probably due to lack of information about the week)
The Junior SS will also start at Wellington Champs under the 20's garde as they will also have a middle and sprint race.
This message was edited by Greg on 2 September 2006, 2:46 PM
Posted: 2 September 2006, 10:44 AM
Sort of vaguely on-topic: On the offchance that cheaper tickets to Queenstown than Dunedin or Invers are available for the Southland weekend, it's possible I could pick a couple of people from there on my way past. If Waikaia's where I think it is, that's a much more direct route from where I'll be coming from than Dunedin is... Sorry, can't be more helpful than that!
Posted: 3 September 2006, 8:12 AM
In my opinion Waikaia would be just grand if there was on offer either three races in one weekend (incorporating a night race on Saturday) or if it involved two events (one Sat one Sunday) and offered a coaching session on the Saturday late avo between the two races so we could apply the techniques on the Sunday. I'd be much more inclined to travel down if I knew I was likely to learn skills from some of the best rather than just getting a butt kicking by them.
Neil K
Posted: 3 September 2006, 9:15 AM
That's a great idea Joe!
I may be keen to offer my coaching services for $15 a person.
Whose keen?
Posted: 3 September 2006, 9:25 AM
Why bother with a super series when elites don't show up to the local OY events?
This message was edited by Martin on 3 September 2006, 4:26 PM
Posted: 3 September 2006, 9:36 AM
Are you saying Dave isnt elite??
Neil K
Posted: 3 September 2006, 10:32 AM
Why bother with a season if you expect elites to turn up to every event all year round?
Posted: 3 September 2006, 11:10 AM
Dave definately is not elite .... his piss poor level of fitness counts him out from that ... and when was the last time he was in the national squad? .... about 5 years ago...
Posted: 3 September 2006, 2:50 PM
Neil -Carsten wants to know if you have a money back satisfaction guarnatee so that if he doens't have a better race the next day he'll get his $15 back. If so he's signing up.
Neil K
Posted: 3 September 2006, 4:08 PM
I'll give him double that if he lets me beat him.
Posted: 4 September 2006, 5:28 AM
Didn't you beat him for free a couple of years ago down south?
Neil K
Posted: 4 September 2006, 9:26 AM
Nah how do you think he got enough money to get to Denmark and back?