Posted: 23 August 2006, 1:15 PM
Waitangi weekend by NOS northerners..
Queens bday weekend by..
Tane Cambridge
Posted: 23 August 2006, 2:09 PM
"No Rogaine, no score event, no street race"
That must be because the Southerly Storm would clean up
Posted: 23 August 2006, 2:42 PM
Duh Greg, ever think I might have been taking the piss with that comment? you are so easy to wind up.
I see nothing wrong with looking outside the little orienteering box we live in. Anthing that resembles an orienteering race (i.e. using a map and a compass to find little orange and white flags)and presents an opportunity for some good hard racing, gets my vote.
Funny, it's usually the old farts that are scared of trying something a little different!
Posted: 23 August 2006, 3:55 PM
Normally its old farts that cant update postings on a database, thanks for not doing anything and making me do it for you - now that I have started it can you update them with more information please Darren.
It is the "Orienteering Super Series" not the "Lets go all nutty and chuck some hippy ass events in it Series". Come down to earth.
Junior Super Series...
I reckon for rounds:
Labour Weekend
SI Champs
Nationals Sprint (as 18's, 20's and 21's all on same course?)
Nationals Carinval week
no NISS as SISS Champs happen at same time.
no Nationals as it forces ppl to run out of grade - not ideal at our premier event.
no QBday caus its not confirmed, but if it is... add it.
This message was edited by Simon Addison on 23 August 2006, 10:56 PM
This message was edited by Simon Addison on 23 August 2006, 10:59 PM
Posted: 23 August 2006, 4:16 PM
Nationals Sprint (as 18's, 20's and 21's all on same course?)
Posted: 23 August 2006, 5:05 PM
Dont worry Darren I know you're full of shit, just making sure everyone else gets the message as some people take everything in on here.
Posted: 24 August 2006, 12:37 AM
So so easy!
Posted: 24 August 2006, 9:19 AM
Great idea simon, why dont i set a 3day orienteering weekend, just before i sit my exams for the 3rd year of my degree. I could do it inbetween, training twice a day, working part time, coaching a bunch of auckland juniors, going to lectures and labs, studying for exmas and trying to entertain a relationship in another city
Sorry im just not as talented as you, and obviously dont have time management skills equal to yours.
Then theres also the bullshit politics associated with settings such events.......and some real dickhead people along with it......
I prefer putting my orienteering energy into coaching, where i get to deal with some real talented and motivated juniors, who appreciate time invested in them. but thanks for thinking of me
Plus another QB up in akld area.........i'd prefer somewhere else.
Posted: 24 August 2006, 10:39 AM
I like the idea of a rogaine, maybe a short one, 3-4 hours, in the super series.
A few years ago people thought park racing was ridiculous and a few years before that there was no such thing as a middle distance.
Posted: 24 August 2006, 10:48 AM
How many elites are going to be hanging around for the week after Nationals??, and/or would go the following week to a SS event??
Darren was that ment to be some sort of come back, oh wait did you have another brilliant idea but yet again didn't follow through with it.
Posted: 24 August 2006, 3:26 PM
Im going to be hanging around the week after nationals, and im real excited about having another week of events. But its easy for me cos thats in my uni holidays.
But i dont think that the proposed plan handed to clem, would attract many elites to Taranaki for the SS to be held in conjunction with the NISS (Although I know that i would attend it). Firstly because its only a few weeks after nationals, and for those that stick around for the week of events after nationals, would only be back home for 4-5 days before traveling again. Especially the South ISlanders, who would have to travel upto the north island twice within 2weeks. Then judging by the elite turnout last time there was a superseries event in the 'central magic' region, doesnt look like many 'northeners' can be arsed travelling to a SS event unless its close to home.
Posted: 24 August 2006, 4:22 PM
If bugger all were going to hang around for the events after Nationals, (which as I understand will be a night race, a sprint and then the weekend) then I dont think it is to much to have another SS event 2 weeks after Nationals, then again there is always allowance in the points system to miss a round.
Posted: 26 August 2006, 3:31 PM
there is a big difference for southerners in the ease of travelling to an event based in Akld or Wellington compared with anywhere else in the north taranaki.
more people might hang round after nationals if there were additional attractions, such as a D Squad camp to coach on, or even an official/unofficial N squad camp
Posted: 28 August 2006, 8:59 AM
Yeah I remeber flying into Tekapo international airport along with Middlemarch and Waikaia.
Wont you be in the central area anyway Jamie
Posted: 28 August 2006, 10:29 AM
Hi Greg,
But I wasn't actually thinking about myself...novel concept aye!