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JWOC fundraising

Show Profile  stu barr Posted: 26 April 2006, 5:30 AM  
hey there orienteers

let's help our ass kicking juniors get to Lithuania for the junior world orienteering champs. there are a few fundraisers currently underway:

topping the list is the generous donation of Rob Crawford toward bets on the super 14. you can follow his progress at

next is the sale of hooded and plain sweatshirts with a logo created for the JWOC team. a new order form has been added to the maptalk advertisement.

also, JWOC team manager Neil Kerrison is organising a rogaine event for the team. this was a great event last year with a quality map and an awesome social atmosphere.

please make the effort to support our juniors so they can put their effort into training and preparing.


Show Profile  Eponine_ Posted: 26 April 2006, 5:53 AM  
Do they have a beer fund organised?

Show Profile  Martin Posted: 26 April 2006, 9:51 AM  
wasn't it going to be your shout Eponine_?

Show Profile  Eponine_ Posted: 26 April 2006, 10:11 AM  
I'm sure gambling fund and boozing go hand in hand.

Show Profile  Kate Posted: 26 April 2006, 12:09 PM  
Just a quick question re hoodies. what are the sizes like say compared to usual womens and mens sizing?

Show Profile  Melissa Posted: 26 April 2006, 5:42 PM  
Is this hoodie designed by the same person I saw in the pages of Urbis magazine recently?

Show Profile  Dave Barr Posted: 27 April 2006, 3:10 AM  
World famous in Ponsonby.

Show Profile  Greg Posted: 27 April 2006, 3:21 AM  
And the mag that comes out of the Sunday paper, nice interview with a hippy

This message was edited by Greg on 27 April 2006, 10:21 AM

Show Profile  addison Posted: 28 April 2006, 5:51 AM  
"Whacky Waving Infaitable Flailing Arms Inflatable Tube Man". This could be the new NZ Orienteering Mascot.

Show Profile  Neil K Posted: 28 April 2006, 8:42 AM  
The Green Coast rogaine is looking awesome! We have created a much bigger network of tracks. Infact we've made 5 this week. The MTBO event the next day will be fantastic too as the tracks are all sand based, will not be muddy from the rain and will be compacted from the foot traffic the previous day!

Show Profile  Martin Posted: 23 May 2006, 4:25 PM  
what's the latest on the hoodies? those fella's leave in a month

Show Profile  stu barr Posted: 8 June 2006, 2:00 AM  
hey there everyone

the JWOC hoody tally has just past break-even point as i received a big order this morning!

it is far more cost effective to get a large run printed- so please get any remaining orders in by Wednesday 14 June. that way we can print them all at once and hopefully send a little more money away with the team.


ta ta

Show Profile  Kate Posted: 8 June 2006, 11:33 AM  
any more details on the sizing? my mates don't want to buy anything if they dont know if it will fit...

Show Profile  Dave Barr Posted: 9 June 2006, 2:10 AM  
Will the hoodies result in an itchy flaky scalp?

Show Profile  SimonB Posted: 9 June 2006, 5:36 AM  
if you worried you can get a sweatshiry varient i think...

Show Profile  SimonB Posted: 20 June 2006, 4:21 AM  
how close are these to arrival? its getting cold down here!

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