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Nationals 2012

Show Profile  StephenR Posted: 16 June 2011, 2:37 PM  
NWOC are in the early stages of planning for Nationals 2012 and seeking feedback from the Orienteering community via this six question survey.
Survey limited to 1st 100 respondents, so get in quick. Thanks

Show Profile  StephenR Posted: 23 August 2011, 2:50 PM  
North West Orienteering Club are hosting the 2012 Orienteering Nationals over Easter and the following areas are henceforth embargoed for all orienteering activity (e.g. orienteering training, mapping) from now until the end of the 2012 Nationals.
" The full area west of the Albany Highway to the Paremoremo Creek from Schnapper Rock Rd in the south to Bass Rd in the north including all of Kristin School & Kindergarten, Albany Junior High School and the North Shore Golf Course.
" The area in Woodhill Forest between Coast Rd in the west and Selwyn Rd in the east north of Willets Road and south of Temu Road variously mapped on parts of Spaghetti Soup, Stags Roar and Celebre.

Show Profile  rob.g Posted: 23 August 2011, 3:34 PM  
Great news is that we will use Carnage hill for the relays with part of Stags Roar, part of Whites Line and an ancient map called Mission Coast, which hasn't been used since the 80's.

We'll get some footage of Carnage hill the last time it was used to bring back some memories and inspire those that weren't around at the time.

Also Waioneke has been completely remapped by Paul Ireland with a lot of previously unmapped areas added, and has changed a lot since previous uses. This map has more variety than any other area I can think of in NZ, and will challenge everyone. A lot of the new areas are at times fast gully spur, but quickly changes to detailed areas.

Website will ready soon, and previous maps will be put up.

Show Profile  darren Posted: 24 August 2011, 3:59 AM  
Excited already!

Here is a bit of Carnage Hill action -

Show Profile  onemanfanclub Posted: 24 August 2011, 7:03 AM  
sounds great! how many sleeps to Easter?

Show Profile  Jamie Posted: 24 August 2011, 8:11 PM  

Will the long distance be 1:15000 ?

And will the long distance be planned differently from the middle or just be a long middle? It was noticeable at WOC how distinct the disciplines are when planned deliberately.

Show Profile  rob.g Posted: 25 August 2011, 12:49 AM  
1:10,000 for both.

There will be plenty of route choice for the long.

Show Profile  Paul I Posted: 25 August 2011, 4:47 AM  
To be fair Jamie, it is a problem here with some of our maps and terrain, but I'm sure the long course setters will make your course a mission and the middle will be total carnage

Show Profile  Tane Cambridge Posted: 25 August 2011, 6:59 AM  
It would be nice to have the long at 1:15,000....

Show Profile  Paul I Posted: 25 August 2011, 7:26 AM  
That's very debatable. It would be nice to have Offset printing!

Show Profile  Paul I Posted: 25 August 2011, 8:40 AM  
Out of curiosity I printed the map at 1:15000 on my home very good laser and it mostly comes out really awesome, but some of the dune areas get fairly intense. I think our problem in nz is that the digital commercial printers we use just aren't giving us a good enough result. All I heard about from the last Nats was how people couldn't read the detail easily on the 1;15000 map, and the 2010 wasn't much better in that regard.
In my opinion if we generalise with the mapping more so to suit 1:15000 then it would most likely compomise the terrain too much.
I would have no hessitation whatsoever with Waioneke at 1:15000 for the long event if we could offset print, just like the old days.

Show Profile  DMjunior Posted: 25 August 2011, 8:53 AM  
1;15000 should be used for the long. It is at woc and jwoc no matter what. Last year in Denmark they tried to make it 1;10,000 but iof did not let them. Also if it is world ranking it has to be off set printing for elites doesn't it? Matt Ogden trains frequently on 1;20,000, it can be done - he is better than Robert Merl who is ranked in the top 30 men in the world now.

Show Profile  Paul I Posted: 25 August 2011, 9:12 AM  
since when did we see a WRE off set print here? For the No's involved the cost would be qiute excessive.

Show Profile  Rolf Posted: 25 August 2011, 10:42 AM  
NZ Champs 2011 - WRE courses were offset print.
I can't see it makes much difference myself, but that is the rules apparently.

Show Profile  Paul I Posted: 25 August 2011, 11:07 AM  
take that back...didn't know that, people still complained nevertheless and the 1:10000 were a bit hard to read. What were the 1:15000 maps in sandune terrain like at jwoc Duncan (or anyone else who ran on it)?
Anyway such decisions won't be made here but it's really good to finally get some elite opinion about this topic. It's not without it's problems around the globe, and sandune terrain is one of the problem terrains. In our case it is not helped that it is an upgrade of an existing reasonably detailed 1:10000 map.

Show Profile  DMjunior Posted: 25 August 2011, 4:46 PM  
I can/Matt can bring the 1;15000 map out. I personally think we should have 1;15000 at Nationals.

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