Posted: 24 April 2007, 3:23 AM
Wow, that coaching clinic went under the radar. How do you find out about that stuff?
Posted: 24 April 2007, 12:44 PM
James is right the schools event is held in high regard. I struggle to see how secondary school sport new zealand has anything to do with forcing the orienteering federation to have nzss on that weekend, i may be wrong.
Who does actually decide when the event is held? if you dont know for sure dont have a guess.
Posted: 24 April 2007, 1:23 PM
Thomas, read my posting earlier.
Tane Cambridge
Posted: 24 April 2007, 1:52 PM
Its not like this kind of clash doesnt happen in other sports.
To be the best, you have to make sacrifices.
Posted: 25 April 2007, 3:07 AM
jeff - i think Darren advertised it pretty hard through club execs and i recall a mention in magazine... I certainly received quite a few emails about it via nwoc secretary.
it was a really constructive session, and I only went to one day out of two! i hope it happens again.
Posted: 30 April 2007, 5:54 AM
For anyones information: The tassies are amazed that we arnt taking a whole lot of our Juniors over to experience JWOC as they are getting as many as they can to go an observe for the health of the sports. Some 'peoples' comments on this topic must give Orienteering a bad name/image when reading your foul mouthed comments...yeah we know you, but others dont and the whole idea is to promote this sport and have people interedsted in it. I feel ashamed reading theings like...."go .... yourself" Comon guys grow up...whoops sorry, you have already done that. Dont lower yourself James to others level...a lot of us think you do a great job. And yes I too think that it is a DAMN shame that the NZ Secondary Schools are on at the same time and if some forward thinking was done IM SURE that they could have been changed..if certain people had wanted it to and were in the least bit interested.
Neil K
Posted: 30 April 2007, 6:55 AM
"..that we aren't taking a whole lot of juniors over to experience JWOC..."
who wants to come? We are sending 12 team members. The rest of the D Squad is invited on a training camp. We have a group of atleast 12 people going on a tour. I assume many other people are going.
What more do you suggest?
Posted: 3 May 2007, 4:01 PM
and if you go on the tour, or just want to look cool anyway, would you buy a supporters t-shirt as part of a fundraiser? it would be great to see a whole crew of NZers letting their true colours shine through.a loudly chanting, cheering crowd of supporters would be indefinitely cooler with matching tshirts.
cost and design are being investigated, but a general expression of interest would be cool to move forward with.
Posted: 3 May 2007, 4:31 PM
Posted: 3 May 2007, 11:35 PM
The tickets are booked and plans are falling into place nicely, I dont think they will be saying "So where the bloody hell are you?" after we arrive. Oh and I definitely want some sort of T-shirt to go with the team song (possibly being remastered as we speak and the team cheerleading moves aka Soggy Aiden flag wave).
Neil K
Posted: 4 May 2007, 12:37 AM
yes please.
Posted: 6 May 2007, 2:54 PM
Greg Wash your mouth out.
To the supporters and the team. The very best of luck and may you spike the controls. Enjoy the experience it will be awesome.
Posted: 7 May 2007, 1:59 PM
I want a t-shirt
Posted: 7 May 2007, 2:29 PM
me too