Posted: 23 October 2006, 9:44 AM
Well it has been almost 1 year in operation for the events website and we are very interested to hear you feedback on it. If you have any opinions on what you feel should be changed or added to it (or removed) then please post these here. I am very interested to hear any criticism you have of it (+ve and -ve) so that we can look at improving the service.
So, what would you like to see in version 2?
If you do not wish to post your views here then feel free to email me simonjaddison AT
Neil K
Posted: 23 October 2006, 3:46 PM
A one stop results page would be good.
Posted: 23 October 2006, 3:49 PM
If every club used it it would be excellent. There are still a few that are missing and when they host an event you have to find their page seperately which sucks.
Posted: 24 October 2006, 4:15 AM
Yea I agree, somehow getting all the clubs to use it would be good - it doesnt take that much time to upload events... A&B grade as a minumum.
Big ups for getting it going, its great
Posted: 25 October 2006, 9:23 AM
It's a wicked idea and it's being implemented really well. If all clubs would start using it instead of still using individual websites, it would be even better.
I reckon Neil's idea of a results page would be pretty cool - even if it's just a page with links to where you can find each set of results...
Posted: 25 October 2006, 12:36 PM
Here in Sweden the reciprocal web-page ( has columns for start-list and result links which usually works quite well. Maybe a splits column too? Obviously events should be kept on the list up to a month after the event before archiving. This of of course relies on the organiser to update the page after the event...
Posted: 8 December 2006, 8:04 AM
This need may not be permanent, but you should give some registration guidelines - via a club rather than personal registration so entries can be maintained thru absences and changes of club roles. The fact that the registration is common to the Maptalk forum. Assurance that there's a disaster recovery process.
Michael Wood for OHV
Posted: 26 April 2007, 11:41 PM
There has recently been a few changes put in to the events database:
Permanent changes:
- You can now see who has posted the event.
- A link to 'register' is now on the home page.
Trial changes:
- Instead of 'map' on the short description, it is now 'location'. I would very much like feedback on the way people feel about this.
The reason for the change from map to location is because rogainers have asked for it. Also these days map names often change as maps are becoming larger ocad files with parts cut out for specific races.
In the next week or so you will notice an rss feed and xml feed on the pages. This is so that clubs can integrate the events better into their own websites, no matter what the language used is. Also it means clubs can easily put the details into their club magazines, which is something that has been requested.
Posted: 27 April 2007, 9:58 AM
(Posting removed when I then looked at how the database was set up, and realised that what I'd suggested made no sense and was a load of shit)
This message was edited by onemanfanclub on 27 April 2007, 5:06 PM
Posted: 30 April 2007, 3:39 PM
I notice some recognition that the maptalk events website is not universally used by all clubs. I wonder if this is due in part to the "look and feel" of the maptalk home page. If you look at from the viewpoint of a newcomer, or more casual club member you may see what I mean.
You are presented with the Maptalk Banner (good!), an advert for this year's Waitangi Weekend (a couple of months out of date, not so good), a poll dated 2006 (certainly beginning to look like a bad place to get up-to-date event information by now) and something entitled World Booze O Champs Jan 2007 (old, maybe not a good look to parents of college kids etc). However what is really apparent is that this is a "chat" site (maptalk, afterall), rather than being dedicated to events. If you dip into the chat, it doesn't seem to reflect the full cohort of NZ orienteers and often has the "dirty washing" on show.
If this seems too critical, it isn't meant to be, and I do have a constructive suggestion: Since Maptalk is being mandated to grow towards being the public face of orienteering (i.e. the one-stop-shop for event details and possibly event registration and results) I'd suggest that it needs a new home page. On it I would have links to "Events", "Discussion Board" and "Links", with a welcoming picture of somebody orienteering (possibly one or two of yours from this year's nationals) and the facility to advertise an upcoming major event (QB Weekend, rather than Waitangi?!). That would give a nice welcome page for the casual user and be clean and clear about the function of the site - the home for events and discussion about orienteering in NZ.
Cheers and apologies for the long post.
Paul TS
Posted: 30 April 2007, 4:39 PM
Well said Paul, agree entirely
Posted: 1 May 2007, 12:36 AM
Also fully agree. Very valid comments.
Posted: 1 May 2007, 3:08 AM
interesting - horses for courses - hadn't thought of it but i also think thats a good call.
Posted: 1 May 2007, 3:56 AM
I would see as the "portal" for all these aspects of orienteering in NZ.
Posted: 1 May 2007, 4:15 AM
that is what one would expect - but it is?
I find I go to maptalk to find out about most things, and to find rules, red tape and politics.
Posted: 1 May 2007, 5:39 AM
I see where you are coming from Paul and would be really interested in hearing Frasers thoughts.
I think that adding a contents page would be unwise. Maptalk is maptalk for a reason, it has always been based around the discussion forum and the interactivity this provides. In the absence of news stories discussion makes maptalk dynamic. The 'inverse' structure is the genius of the site.
There are any number of ineffective discussion boards hidden away on other websites. Maptalk has been consistently active for nearly a decade now and good on NZOF for finally making a brave strategic decision to help evolve the Maptalk platform through endorsment of the events database.
Sure there is dirty washing hung out to dry on maptalk, but nowhere near as much as there was and I believe the discussion is becoming more and more constructive (maybe as some of us original washing hangers mature slightly ;-).
The challenge may be making sure it doesn't become boring, geeky and irrelevant for the next generations.
This message was edited by Jamie on 1 May 2007, 12:44 PM