Posted: 6 August 2006, 10:58 AM
Entry forms and info are now on the north West wesite(see links above). Greg Barbour is another entry for the weekend, and he's in pretty good shape as he showed by winning a heat of the world masters in m40. He is out from his new base in Moscow to try and regain the World Rogaine title with his regular patner Dave Rowlands(Aus), and tells me his biggest threats could be the kiwi combos of Jamie/Neil and Darren/Phil and Chris/ whoever.
By the way Chris has been very quiet on maptalk of late.
Posted: 8 August 2006, 4:28 AM
Chris is racing with Dennis de Monchy, poor Dennis.
Posted: 8 August 2006, 5:30 AM
its alright dennis is the man
Posted: 8 August 2006, 6:33 AM
Actaully I have more sympathy for Neil, Dr Ropata.
Posted: 8 August 2006, 9:15 AM
Don't worry Neil is an ultimate hard man
Posted: 16 August 2006, 2:04 PM
There are photos on the North West website of the new map terrain - it looks GOOD!
Rob G
Posted: 16 August 2006, 3:07 PM
The terrain is superb, and I beleive it will be the most popular map we have alongside Wioneke. It has some extra fast sections where km rates will be a record for Woodhill, but enough slower areas to give the good navigators a challenge. There are no really tight low viz areas like we have had on Otakanini or Spagetti Soup, and 6 minute kms should be acheivable. Combined with Wioneke the next day, this will be a brilliant o weekend.
Posted: 19 September 2006, 1:01 AM
Start times are available on the NW website with event info coming today. There is 3.5 km to the start for courses 1 to 6, and a lot of travel to get to the map so be prepared, but it will be worth it.
Posted: 19 September 2006, 3:56 AM
How's your babysitting skills, Rob? C has 1hour 55 to do 12.8km
PLUS give me enough time to do the 3.5km to the start. And the next
day I have to do my 6.7 in 1hour 20 PLUS give C enough time to
the 1.5km to the start (allow 20-25mins - that's surely a slow walk?)
It's looking like you might have our daughter in a backpack for some minutes as well as your planning duties!
Posted: 19 September 2006, 4:09 AM
You chose to have a kid not Rob
This message was edited by Greg on 19 September 2006, 11:10 AM
Posted: 19 September 2006, 4:21 AM
Don't worry Jenni, well use vehicles for exceptions like that and I predict Carsten will take around 80 mins for his course. If all else fails I'll find a babysitter as I have no experience and might be distracted and wander off.
Posted: 19 September 2006, 5:21 AM
It was (mostly) a joke, Greg. But we did ask for start times that would allow us both to run and take care of Kaia. Including saying we were willing to start before the official first start. And I know that's not Rob's responsiblity but seeing he was the advertising manager for the event I thought I'd offer him a wee treat.
I agree that we chose to have a baby but if NZ orienteering wants to retain participation then one thing organizers could look at is making it easy for parents both to compete. In Sweden we dropped Kaia off at the creche and both ran elite which worked fine. Understandably we (NZ event organizers) can't provide those kind of services here so then it's good if organizers be a little flexible. Flexibility just like Rob was suggesting, using vehicles or allowing parents to be a little late for their start if that's what it takes. We would certainly always try to be on time but, seeing I think it's quite unlikely that either of us will ever be the last person back anyway, it seems dumb (to me) to be anal about start times. And being a few minutes late when you're the last starter in your grade anyway, wouldn't seem to be a problem to me. PAPO has been flexible allowing one of us to run a bit early and the other a bit late at mass start score events.
The other thing we were wondering about was whether there was anyone, for example 12-13 year olds, who do 30 minute length courses who might want to earn money babysitting. We pay $15 an hour...
Posted: 19 September 2006, 5:52 AM
Glad you know when your saying a joke.
Posted: 19 September 2006, 6:22 AM
so silly people
Posted: 19 September 2006, 6:30 AM
I've talked to Rolf Wagner, who does all the start times, programme, sportident every time we have a major event(he does shitloads)and he can give Carsten/Jen and Bill Edwards/Susan an open start time, so they get a start time when they arrive at the starts if they miss the allocated ones.
See, we are accommodating and flexible.
Stu Lynch and Phil Wood are 2 more entries for M21E.
Posted: 19 September 2006, 6:36 AM
What about Barbour and Mcleod?