Posted: 26 June 2006, 4:21 AM
Started in Utah yesterday. Lots of kiwis including orienteers. http://www.ecoprimalquest.com. GPS tracking looks good.
Posted: 26 June 2006, 12:59 PM
Does anyone know what happen to GoLite/Timberland? They had some sort of medical problem at CP3 but have since caught that up again.
Posted: 26 June 2006, 4:20 PM
must have been horsing around
Posted: 27 June 2006, 4:47 AM
News page:
Team Grizzlytours.com/Port Nelson Swaps Sub-Zero Training for Scorching Competition.. Kiwi Racers Shun Antipodean Winter, Swedish Race, for PQ.. June 26, 2006.. Courtesy of the Nelson Mail
By Simon Bloomberg
Is that the Simon we know??
Tane Cambridge
Posted: 27 June 2006, 5:51 AM
Haha I have been fooled by that one too!
I think its his uncle...
Posted: 27 June 2006, 5:52 AM
My uncle of the same name, he's a sports writer for nelson mail
Tane Cambridge
Posted: 27 June 2006, 2:09 PM
If you look under the video section there is an interview with Chris giving a run down of his mountain bike, which is quite good
Neil K
Posted: 27 June 2006, 7:11 PM
Hey my stupid internet cafe can't display the leaderboard. How are Brent and Stu, and Phil going?
Tane Cambridge
Posted: 28 June 2006, 5:48 AM
They are in about 10th(Brent and Stuart) at the moment, but its real close leads and postion changes in the top 15 or so going on all the time
This message was edited by Tane Cambridge on 28 June 2006, 6:05 PM
Posted: 28 June 2006, 4:56 PM
Here's an update Neil... at 11:40pm NZ, all other times USA:
1. Merrel/Wigwam Avdenture, checked out of C24 at 2:47am. had left c22 at 6:42pm
2. Nike PowerBlast, checked into C24 at 3:34am, havent left. had left c22 at 7:51pm
3. Spyder left c22 at 8:53pm
4. Golite/Timberland (Aaron, Sara, Chris) left c22 at 9:31pm. Had 3hr stop at c19, 1hr at c20 (before and after 45mile kayak leg)
9. OrionHealth.com (Brent, Stu) c22 at 1:14am
22. Discovery/PoweredByVelvet.com left c19 at 8:12pm, about 15hrs+ to c22
Posted: 30 June 2006, 1:17 AM
A news article about Golite/Timberland:
...or for Neil - here it is:
It’s often said that you make your own luck. At CP25 on Wednesday morning, GoLite/Timberland stared down a potentially race-ending mishap, and came out smiling.
CP25 offers teams—and their bikes—a spectacular descent from the face of Gemini Bridges, a 450-foot canyon wall. The humans rappel straight down, while their bikes are tethered to a zipline and sent sliding down to the base of the canyon. Riders and bikes are then reunited to continue a 60-mile leg across the infamous slickrock bike routes of southeast Utah.
Most teams and their gear made it through smoothly, but the rear wheel of one of team GoLite's bikes got caught up in the rigging of the zipline, shredding it all the way along the descent. Facing this potential show-stopper, many other teams would have dropped out of the race in despair. Not lucky, plucky Team GoLite.
Beginning with the Primal Quest kickoff, Team GoLite has faced down adversity. Just miles into the race, at the first mandatory vet check stop for their horse, their steed had blood coming out of its nose. The team was forced to skip the rest of the horseback riding checkpoints and proceed to CP5 where they were given a new mount. GoLite then had to re-trace their steps and hit all the checkpoints they missed, putting the team nearly two hours behind the race leaders.
Both mishaps have not brought down GoLite. After the horseback riding section, the team filled their water bottles and sprinted across the desert, making up precious time to keep the race leaders within striking distance. At Gemini Bridges, the team found that one of the race staff had an extra wheel (or at least a wheel they were willing to share), which GoLite fitted to their wounded bike and pedaled off.
Currently, Team GoLite/Timberland is running in third place, part of a group of teams separated by mere minutes. Barring any further opportunities to manufacture good fortune, the team should contend right down to the wire for this year's Primal Quest championship.
Tane Cambridge
Posted: 30 June 2006, 2:47 AM
It appears as though GoLite/Timberland have caught right up on the 2nd place team on the second stage of the mountain trek. All 3 teams out on an Orienteering course now. Nike PowerBlast with a 2 hour lead over Merrel/Wigwam Avdenture, and two minutes back GoLite. Looks like this mountain trek stage may make or break the whole race, good thing GoLite has 3 pretty decent orienteers
Posted: 30 June 2006, 9:13 PM
Looks like Brent prevailed in the orienteering part of the challenge...roughly 1hr 30, compared to Nikes 1hr 45, and Go'Lites 2hrs plus...definitely worth some hassle points
(no responsibility taken for any maths involved in this analysis)
Posted: 1 July 2006, 3:28 AM
It's not your maths that's the problem Dr Ropata, it's your brain.
Orienteering time is Time Out - Time In at CP31, not time taken from CP31 to CP32.
O times (plus any time at CP31) were:
Nike 4:45
Go Lite 4:52
Merrell 6:02
SupplierPipeline 5:21
Bjufors 9:05
SOLE 11:00
Spyder 16:09
Orion 9:18
Top 3 teams went through day, SupplierP (who is their navigator?), SOLE and Spyder (who both f'd up) day/night, Bjufors/Orion night.
Posted: 1 July 2006, 3:37 AM
Are they enforcing a dark zone on the last paddle?? If so are they going to make it there before hand or is it going to be a 2 mile sprint out in the morning
Posted: 1 July 2006, 4:14 AM
the only dark zone enforced thus far was before the river swim. they've been doing the kayaking at night.