pete s
Posted: 2 April 2013, 12:11 AM
Ditto - fantastic Nationals, and huge thanks to Jan, Carsten and whole Papo team - really great job guys and well done.
Posted: 2 April 2013, 2:45 AM
The biggest jobs were done by Jan as the overall coordinator and Alister as the technical coordinator. As always with bigger events lots of people does a lot of work and with the hard work of the coordinators and the good weather it all came together very nicely. I'm certainly proud of the PAPO team that was eager to make this a good event. Thank you very much to everybody for coming to share Easter with us this year and now we are looking forward next Easter.
JD Junior
Posted: 2 April 2013, 3:47 AM
Thanks all for the positive comments everyone. Greg, you especially totally made my day when you came to say thanks and well done yesterday. I confess I went all wobbly at the knees for a moment there :-).
Yep, AWESOME team. Between Chris's vision for wickedly fun areas (Ferrymead and Kura Tawhiti); Alister's amazing attention to Teslin, Sport Ident, and Condes operating detail; brilliant mappers Linley, Matt and Michael, planners like Carsten, Michael, Andy and Chris; superb controllers like Jenni, Tim, Al, and Jean; George's patience and programming ability creating the O-entry system from scratch which made the entry management a breeze from our side; I could go on and on....
This message was edited by Casser on 2 April 2013, 12:25 PM
This message was edited by Casser on 2 April 2013, 12:27 PM
This message was edited by Casser on 2 April 2013, 12:30 PM
Posted: 2 April 2013, 5:08 AM
Sensational Nationals - I loved the great variety of terrain and the obvious efforts applied to make it something special!
Posted: 2 April 2013, 11:43 AM
Some sensational performances too. For example, who brought their ML relay team up by the biggest number of places?
Posted: 2 April 2013, 12:29 PM
Danielle Goodall? From 36th to 6th.
Posted: 2 April 2013, 2:37 PM
The relay is now also on RouteGadget:
Posted: 2 April 2013, 2:59 PM
Put your route choice in and see the gaflings - and how they effected the route choices - come on - you don't have anything better to do now;-)
Posted: 2 April 2013, 3:53 PM
I loved the whole weekend, but can I ask about the passable impassable cliffs at the relay. The mapping was to ISSOM and the legend used the term impassable, but runners weren't adhering to this. Did I miss something in the programme or did I over-think it. Just curious rather than a negative on the awesome weekend.
Posted: 3 April 2013, 3:10 AM
I think those people know and will have to live with their consciences. Earlier in the weekend at least one person realised a transgression and owned up. Its not feasible to monitor it.
Posted: 3 April 2013, 3:25 AM
The runners were supposed to be adhering to the impassable cliff symbol as in sprint rules. This was for safety reasons - rather than an attempt to get that tricky sprint route choice aspect. As it was quite hard to discern on the map in places and we didn't tape on the ground to clearly point out where it went from impassable to passable I wasn't interested in disqualifying runners. The fasest route choice (without a parachute at least) didn't involve going over impassable cliffs. The area where it was hardest to distinguish was the Dark Castle area immediately north of the assembly area. This was the reason we decided that only leg 1 of the long relay would go in there as it was potentially quite dangerous if people started trying to climb/jump the impassable cliffs.
I was disappointed to hear that some people did go into the out of bounds area on the first leg of the long relay in going from 13 to 14. I didn't actually see anyone do it but have heard that this was the case. I thought this was clear from the map but can only assume that the culprits were confused and we will need to tape and sign the fence in future. The area that was crossed is a DOC protected area and I hope future use has not been jeopardised.
Posted: 3 April 2013, 5:32 AM
Wrong numbers but right answer Rob. Danielle (W14) brought her team up from 36th to 17th, and on the short leg too! 6th was her placing among all 2nd leg runners. Here's another one. The top M18 on the long was faster than the M40s led by Carsten Jorgensen. Is the rumour true that he is still eligible for M16?
Posted: 4 April 2013, 2:40 AM
My photo gallery is here
Still adding to it... have over 1000 photo's to sort - gotta love digital 
Posted: 4 April 2013, 4:28 AM
RouteGadget is great, would be even better with more routes on. Specially good for a pair of runners with similar times, eg play Jamie vs Tane over the first 2/3 of their relay leg. And it's not just runners who can learn from it, planners benefit from seeing the legs that influenced the result vs the legs where everyone ran the same. I could envisage a planners' workshop where we played courses on a big screen, pausing for discussion.
Posted: 4 April 2013, 5:43 AM
Is it just me? Cant seem to get the lond distance working. Freezes up.