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SuperSeries 2003

Show Profile  Dave Barr Posted: 7 December 2002, 8:03 AM  
All events should count for 2 reasons:
firstly, to encourage attendance.
secondly, to avoid dead rubbers.

Show Profile  Michael Posted: 9 December 2002, 4:05 PM  
The Superseries ddraft description has been modified by the addition of an alternative scoring system, which I had asked Derek Morrison to develop. Your preferences, orsuggestions on the best bits of both, are invited

The Superseries description is at,html

Michael Wood

Show Profile  Greg Posted: 22 December 2002, 8:30 AM  
I'm questioning whether or not to include the Canterbury Champs as part of the SS because of the maps they are going to be held on. Canterbury champs - Craigmore and Sunday - Tekapo. If all events are going to count I'm not happy traveling to the South Island to run on an open farm land map and then a map which was viewed by most as crap. (again)

Show Profile  Jamie Posted: 22 December 2002, 10:41 AM  
Craigmore North is far from open farmland, in fact it is a very interesting area with patches of native and detailed contour and rock.

Likewise Tekapo is a fantastic area.

as for quality maps, courses, etc????

Show Profile  Michael Posted: 23 December 2002, 4:09 AM  
I HAVE made some enquiries into the possible SI events, and Canterbury looks the best shot. John Davies is in charge of Tekapo, he is planning to remap the rumpty areas. Carsten and Jenni are in charge of Craigmore, and the area includes complex rock detail.


Show Profile  Michael Posted: 7 January 2003, 7:26 AM  
Following the NOS camp at OPC the Draft Description of the Superseries has been updated and the squad management has been asked to sign off on the general principles.

Significant things are that Anzac will count two results as before, but as day 1 (the trial) and as the overall result. Scoring is drastically simplified and the best 7 out of 9 will count for the mini-series which fills the gap to the 2003-04 series.

Check it out at (must find out how to do a link on this forum...) Link

Michael Wood

Edited by - fraser on 7/01/2003 15:27:56

Show Profile  fraser Posted: 7 January 2003, 8:54 AM  
Best 7 out of 9 will count? Surely by only making 7 out of 9 events count the only effect on the series will be to reduce attendance at some events? I don't see the logic in this rule and think that every race should count.

I guess the only positive of this rule is that the two races in the South Island can be avoided by all the North Islanders.

Show Profile  Neil K Posted: 7 January 2003, 10:20 AM  

With regards to the updated superseries format, I had thought we decided that the points system would go all the way down the grade. I thought we agreed that if someone got 17 rather than 18th it would be reflected somehow. Micheal has proposed the scoring only going to the 11th place...then a point for anyone else that finishes. I think the mens grade often has competitor numbers in the teens.

(I agree with the scoring system otherwise)


Show Profile  Greg Posted: 7 January 2003, 3:03 PM  
Why the hell are the North Island cuts being called Auckland and Wellington, Surely something like Upper and Lower North would be better than putting those outside of Auckland into the JAFA lable.

Show Profile  Dave Barr Posted: 9 January 2003, 1:09 PM  
How about the dolphins and the porpoises?

Show Profile  Jamie Posted: 10 January 2003, 4:05 AM  
I think something more associated with orienteering,

howabout "Ooohers" and "Ooohars"

Show Profile  Neil K Posted: 10 January 2003, 8:34 AM  

Edited by - Neil K on 23/01/2003 10:18:46

Show Profile  fraser Posted: 22 January 2003, 2:44 PM  
While I agree with the majority of the decisions made about the Super Series to date I still have one major concern. With so many super series events, upto 18 races this year, are they actually going to be meaningful to elites and spectators alike?

How many elites plan to actually compete in every event?

I suspect the events will become meaningless and the super series will turn into not much more than a points table slapped into the page of the odd event programme and an excuse to apply for some funding.

I am yet to be convinced that this series will "build up stronger domestic competition". As a borderline elite I must admit it hasn't exactly convinced me to take my training up a notch. But then again you haven't announced the series prizes.......

Show Profile  Michael Posted: 27 January 2003, 10:47 AM  
Fraser suggested there might be too many superseries events.

Earlier when only 2 of the 4 Anzac events were proposed in order to not overshadow the influence of the nationals, people said "Aaaaaawww, they'll only run in those two and miss out the others". And the suggestion to leave out the nationals (because it has its own special mana) was rebutted.


Show Profile  Michael Posted: 28 January 2003, 8:58 AM  
With the general shape of the transition superseries (up to QB03) endorsed by national squad management, we can move from broad "green-light" consideration into the "orange-light" zone.

The first two events are the Canterbury Champs and South Island Challenge on April 6-7, there are details on the PAPO website and there are cheap flights available. I can't tell you whether there will be travel assistance at present but I'm working on it.

And those names for the regions, well of course they don't ned to be called Auckland, Wellington etc. I think it will be up to the athletes in each region to determine a name for their team, just let me know with evidence that it enjoys majority support. I reserve the right of veto as the names are part of the public image of the competition and the sport.


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