Posted: 26 June 2011, 11:51 AM
Topic to follow our young stars. They should be there by now. Training this week. First race is the sprint next Sunday 2pm Central European Summer Time. This is 10 hours behind us I think. Event website is http://www.jwoc2011.pl Hope to hear from them as well as winterised followers back home.
Posted: 26 June 2011, 12:27 PM
blog is nzjwoc2011.blogspot.com
Going to be really exciting to watch this team with the potential for excellent results
Posted: 27 June 2011, 12:21 PM
Talked to the team on skype and they all seemed pretty happy with Poland. They said the terrain is crazy fast and technically its quite straight forward.
Posted: 27 June 2011, 5:59 PM
It seems that we talk too much about the fast terrain because it is SOOO FAST!!! But do not forget that there is a lot of green on the maps and I'm sure the long distance will take us though heaps of slow areas to make the running more physical. And they won't be afraid to put controls in the green which could be young trees or trees other than the beech trees that have been planted very close together and are basically a wall. I don't expect k rates to be fast because of the green areas which are so slow and because of the wide route choices.
Paul I
Posted: 29 June 2011, 7:22 AM
onemanfanclub if you're out there, it's time for your traditional jwoc breafast, after last years Danish (I'm presuming you were talking food0
Maybe some inspiration is required...
if that's not your style there are plenty here to chose from here to get in full supporters mode... May I recommend something from the 'cold weather warmer uppers' menu if you're still in Bennydale.
This message was edited by Paul I on 29 June 2011, 2:23 PM
Posted: 1 July 2011, 5:06 AM
www.worldofo.com has a handy "all you need to know" feature about JWOC. They will be running a live blog (which filled a gap at last year's JWOC)
BTW Ross's blog featuring Mick's video from the QB testmatch is currently on the top line of WorldofO news.
Posted: 1 July 2011, 5:14 AM
If Polish internet servers haven't improved much in the last 10 years then I suspect whatever coverage the organisers are promising, World of O might be the place to go
Posted: 1 July 2011, 5:56 AM
I think you need to revisit Poland, Juan-Mann. Three years ago I found it a hive of entrepreneurial spirit, complete with boy racers.
Posted: 3 July 2011, 4:13 AM
Start times (NZT) for Sprint tonight (tomorrow morning)
Scott 12.03 am
Nick 12.26
Tim 1.12
Gene 1.34
Toby 1.54
Matt 2.03
Anna 12.37
Jaime 1.04
Laura 1.48
Angela 1.50
Kate 2.09
Selena 2.33
Posted: 4 July 2011, 12:14 PM
The long is under way. And surprise, surprise, hardware probs with the online results equipment. Thank goodness for World of O and "Coveritlive".
Posted: 4 July 2011, 12:19 PM
Aside - Grant McDonald - Nelson OC member - on Closeup talking about the therapeutic effects of bee venom.
Posted: 4 July 2011, 1:12 PM
Angela the favourite to win, from the World of O poll!
Posted: 4 July 2011, 1:38 PM
Temperature 15 degrees, hmmm about the same as here right now. One of the live chat people is typing in gloves. When I went to JWOC they had valve computers, wasn't a problem.
Posted: 4 July 2011, 3:13 PM
Soooo, Anna and Laura are in, Nick among the boys but Scott seems to have been swallowed up by a black hole. There was a 50min gap in the kiwi start order so time to make a cup of tea...
A. Long Shlong
Posted: 4 July 2011, 3:26 PM
Great run from Matt Ogden aka Moggy!
Posted: 4 July 2011, 4:13 PM
Photo of Jaime finishing https://picasaweb.google.com/pabicht/2011_07_03_JWOC2011#5625446909108238258
and Matt being interviewed
Well done all.