Posted: 1 April 2009, 3:44 AM
nick is still a retard
Paul I
Posted: 1 April 2009, 4:38 AM
if you live in the Auckland area your buildup goes like this... 9 forest OY's (mid April - Oct). CDOA Champs (May), Akl Champs (Sept), Wellington Champs (Nov), and Nth Island Champs (Nov).
Oh hang on, the Nationals are first at the beginning of April.
Ok this year we had Oceania which helped and yes we can do other sports. Waitangi normally starts things off in Feb for some people, others manage to do summer evening park series events.
Whatever... surely the nationals is about finding our best orienteering atheletes who are on top of their game in each given year, not those who can be the fittest from other sports, park events, secrete training missions to maps etc.
Might only be my family but who wants to fill the best part of the year trying to do some serious training. I say Nats for Labour Weekend, Waitangi Carnival moved to Easter? but I'm sure are plenty of other views.
Paul I
Posted: 1 April 2009, 4:38 AM
if you live in the Auckland area your buildup goes like this... 9 forest OY's (mid April - Oct). CDOA Champs (May), Akl Champs (Sept), Wellington Champs (Nov), and Nth Island Champs (Nov).
Oh hang on, the Nationals are first at the beginning of April.
Ok this year we had Oceania which helped and yes we can do other sports. Waitangi normally starts things off in Feb for some people, others manage to do summer evening park series events.
Whatever... surely the nationals is about finding our best orienteering atheletes who are on top of their game in each given year, not those who can be the fittest from other sports, park events, secrete training missions to maps etc.
Might only be my family but who wants to fill the best part of the year trying to do some serious training. I say Nats for Labour Weekend, Waitangi Carnival moved to Easter? but I'm sure are plenty of other views.
Paul I
Posted: 1 April 2009, 4:40 AM
Woooah what happened... just getting my point across!
Tane Cambridge
Posted: 1 April 2009, 5:48 AM
Posted: 1 April 2009, 6:28 AM
Nick - Offer to plan a good quality event in the build-up period. That's the kind of bridge building which would constructively help. I'm sure your club will be delighted to have someone volunteering to plan an event.
Posted: 1 April 2009, 6:46 AM
Jenni did you hear about the Waitangi Carnivals? (by the way Paul, I like my separate day off so please dont merge it into Easter) A lot of the people for a 'season' in this debate, did do something, including Nick.
I think its great that if people want to get in some practice for the Nationals then they have to take it upon themselves, goes along with Jamies elitist theory nicely.
Also with all your trainings do you have the land owners and clubs permission? The last thing we need is more pissed off land owners and less areas to use cause people are caught having to take matters into their own hands as there is nothing officially organised through the right channels.
I personally dont see park races/summer series/whatever as good training for the National Champs/World Games Trials/World Champs Trials, the same places re-run year after year, normally dodgy controls and less than perfect maps oh wait thats the norm in the SI for 99% of events isn't it
Funny how the 2 most speaking out against it are the 2 largest and administratively involved 2, is it easier for the AGM to be at easter with chocolate and hot cross buns rather than later with no special food offerings?
Paul I
Posted: 1 April 2009, 9:10 AM
one thing for sure I do sense some excitement and plenty of frantic late minute training events this year as we get close, so there is no doubt the competition will be hard faught.
I guess not everyone is able to have the ideal buildup so thats why some people would prefer a more structured affair. Admittidly the weather is nice - maybe the Auckland region just has to schedual some OY's before Easter to enable us to get in the groove at the very least.
Anyone brave enough to name those with best form in each grade at the moment? Any Favourites? Any dark horses?
Posted: 1 April 2009, 10:07 AM
Yes I did know Nick planned a day of Waitangi carnival last year and agree that Waitangi is a good initiative and a great time of year to have an event. NZOF is only made up of its members, I don't see who else is going to plan events other than its members. I know that when PAPO plans its event calendar it thinks about doing a build up to Nationals. If you don't think this is happening in your area then shouldn't you go along to your event planning meeting and discuss this? It seems to me its a regional thing that should be dealt with on a regional level, I don't the NZOF executive committee can demand clubs hold events at any time of year but the clubs' members can.
Yes we have PAPO permission for the training - they are actually PAPO training events and are published in the newsletter and on the webpage. This year there has been a series of 6: held three times on the Pegasus map at each of its 3 entrances, Woodend, Leithfield (on the public access parts of both of these maps) and South Brighton. All of these are public access and we have been told that for groups not much larger than 20-30 we don't need to get permission in these public access areas. If the trainings grew larger than this - they are about this - then I would apply for permission. Prior to Waitangi weekend we organized a training at Dalethorpe which I first gained permissino from PAPO committee and then the landowners. It wasn't a big deal. So yep its through the right channels.
As we have said 100s of times Nationals later in the year doesn't work for the South Island. It can work at Easter throughout NZ with a 6-8 week preceding competition period. It's up to each region to make it work for them.
Posted: 1 April 2009, 10:09 AM
Funny that aye Greg. Also funny how I can delete your account.
Posted: 1 April 2009, 10:22 AM
Not as funny as when I hacked his account.
Posted: 1 April 2009, 10:42 AM
Seeing his password on frasers computer isn't hacking man! Its called hand-eye coordination when you type it out numerous times.
Posted: 1 April 2009, 10:49 AM
Whatever. I'm not a nerd.
PS. Want a sumo match at Easter?
Posted: 1 April 2009, 6:02 PM
You say you have said 100's of times Nationals later in the year doesn't work for the South Island.
Although the South Island is my favourite part of New Zealand, it doesn't necessarily mean that what works in the big S.I. also works in the little N.I.
Auckland Club chews up much of its summer energy organising weekly+ Summer Series events for all of daylight saving except for a Christmas break. Our club does struggle to find the resources to also run reasonable lead events to nationals at Easter.
In all summers we have the risk of being denied access to our forests due to fire hazard, therefore possibly no local suitable events for preparation for nationals at Easter.
Just because the S.I. can't deal with nationals later in the year doesn't mean Auckland should suffer. Auckland is well suited to months of lead-in events during late winter.
Your statement "It can work at Easter throughout NZ with a 6-8 week preceding competition period. It's up to each region to make it work for them." doesn't gel with me. If the Nationals were held in November, I could make the same argument. So if the nationals are in November it is up to you make it work because your club members will come to your planning meetings and demand it.
Auckland does not have any public access areas that provide suitable training for nationals.
Posted: 2 April 2009, 12:02 AM
Simon dont make me quote Jamie, thats the last thing we all need