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Statistics updated

Show Profile  Bryan Posted: 1 October 2007, 2:09 AM  
I've finally got round to catching up on the results for the last year or so.

I've updated the statistics web site:

New rankings will be created soon.

Additions to the results database are:

- Kiwis at WOC
- NZOF Awards for 2006
- World Orienteering Champs 2007 Middle Qualification
- World Orienteering Champs 2007 Middle Final
- World Orienteering Champs 2007 Long Qualification
- World Orienteering Champs 2007 Long Final
- World Orienteering Champs 2007 Sprint Qualification
- World Orienteering Champs 2007 Sprint Final
- World Orienteering Champs 2007 Relays
- World Orienteering Champs 2006 Middle Qualification
- World Orienteering Champs 2006 Middle Final
- World Orienteering Champs 2006 Long Qualification
- World Orienteering Champs 2006 Long Final
- World Orienteering Champs 2006 Sprint Qualification
- World Orienteering Champs 2006 Sprint Final
- World Orienteering Champs 2006 Relays
- Auckland Champs 2007 Long Distance
- Auckland Champs 2007 Middle Distance
- Queens Birthday 2007 Sprint
- Queens Birthday 2007 Middle
- Queens Birthday 2007 Day 2
- Queens Birthday 2007 Day 3
- New Zealand Champs 2007 Sprint
- New Zealand Champs 2007 Middle
- New Zealand Champs 2007 Long
- New Zealand Champs 2007 Relays
- TAMOC 2007 Sprint
- TAMOC 2007 Middle
- TAMOC 2007 Long
- TAMOC 2007 Long Loops
- Waitangi 2007 Day 1
- Waitangi 2007 Day 2
- Waitangi 2007 Day 2 Sprint
- Waitangi 2007 Day 3
- Waitangi 2007 Day 4
- South Island Champs 2006
- WOA Champs 2006
- Auckland Champs 2006
- Canterbury Champs 2006

Show Profile  addison Posted: 1 October 2007, 9:47 AM  
Awesome effort Bryan, you do a brilliant job mate.

Show Profile  Bryan Posted: 20 November 2007, 1:58 AM  
I've added results for JWOC 1990-2007 - about 60 different events.
Missing are results for JWOC 1992 and JWOC 1993. If anyone can
find these please send them to me.

Show Profile  superOman Posted: 20 November 2007, 2:22 PM  
Hi Bryan

Look here, IOF has them

Show Profile  Bryan Posted: 28 November 2007, 9:02 AM  
I've added the JWOC results for 1992, 1993 (and part of 1991).

Thanks for finding the results, Oman. Last time I looked about a year
ago the IOF site didn't have many results.

Now that I've finished JWOC results, I can start on other major international events that Kiwis have been in. Does anyone out there have APOC results for the following years:
1998 China
1996 Hong Kong
1992 Japan
1990 Canada
1986 Hong Kong
1982 Japan

Show Profile  Michael Posted: 28 November 2007, 11:14 AM  
The readers might be more interested in rankings for 2007 Bryan. How much work does it take after you have the data?

Show Profile  Bryan Posted: 29 November 2007, 1:10 AM  
After the data is in the database it takes 1-2 hours to generate the
rankings following by some checking for anomalies (and subsequent fixups).

However, there are several events I have to process yet (anything after Auckland champs in Sep and I have to fix up some of the Auckland results based on the official results). I have just received official results from HB Deco and will process them soon. Each event takes up to half an hour (and for HB there are four).

Also, I have some feedback from Jeff so want to do some more checking of the process and calculations this time.

It will be some time before I can do all this but I hope to have a rankings list for 2007 soon.

Show Profile  Alistair Posted: 29 November 2007, 2:55 AM  
Hi Bryan,

I ran APOC '92 and have the following notes in my map folder:

1. Me: 70.15
2. Thore Kornmo, Norway: 74mins
3. Koji Kashamada, Japan: 74mins
4. Ted de St Croix, Canada: 80mins
? Peter Hill ?

Short (final)
1. Me: 20.54
2. Ted de St Croix, Canada: 23.19
3. Koji Kashamada, Japan: 24mins.

I think Katie won both of the women's races.

Show Profile  Alistair Posted: 29 November 2007, 3:05 AM  
...I also have a copy of the men's elite results from Canada 1990. I'll try and photograph them and send them to you next week when I have my camera back.

Also have lots of WC results which you are probably missing, do you want them? Should I use the coldkiwi... address?

Show Profile  Bryan Posted: 30 November 2007, 3:28 AM  
Thanks Alistair.
Yes please send it to the coldkiwi... address.

Yes I would love any WC results you have.

My evil plan is to eventually have all results online including WC, WMOC and after that to take over the world but it will take a few years.

Here's a statistic: there was over 2 million page views of the web site from Jan - Nov 2007. I hope to increase it as I add more events.

Show Profile  Greg Posted: 30 November 2007, 3:31 AM  
How many of those are people checking day after day because they need things like the current ranking for presentations/awards/scholarship applications, but the current ranking is never current.

Show Profile  Bryan Posted: 30 November 2007, 3:49 AM  
Actually not really significant as they are only viewing a few pages each time.

I've tracked usage and I've found there are computers (from sites in
America and Japan for example) that are automatically harvesting the information.

As to the 'never current' quip, I'm only a volunteer and try to do the best I can with little spare time. The national selector raised some concerns about the system and I want to check and get it right.

Show Profile  Michael Posted: 1 December 2007, 12:56 PM  
Talking of statistics, some yanks have pulled out some numbers in major events versus age. They reckon the half-life (period after which the numbers halve) is 10 years. Extrapolating into the future, they predict there will be...
8 M75s in 2017
4 M85s in 2027
2 M95s in 2037
and 1 M105 in 2047

Show Profile  SimonB Posted: 2 December 2007, 1:35 PM  
yes but will they be able to move?

Show Profile  Bryan Posted: 10 December 2007, 12:19 PM  
I'm just checking out the rankings calculation at the moment and want to check my system against the Swedish system which it is based on.

Can anyone translate the following please? What I'm really interested in is whether the averaged time (Tm) is based on the average of the first 3 finishers or the average time of the 3 top ranked finishers.

Beräkning av rankingpoäng vid en tävling
Beräkning av rankingpoäng för en löpare sker i följande steg:
1. Medeltiden (Tm) beräknas på de tre bästa tiderna gjorda av rankade löpare. För att förhindra orealistisk låg segrarpoäng vid alltför "tunna" klasser tillåts dock medeltiden ligga högst 10 % efter segrartiden.
2. Medelpoängen (Pm) för de tre lägsta rankingpoängen (OBS! Aktuell beräkningspoäng används, se ovan!) bland de startande beräknas. Klasser med färre än tre startande med rankingnummer bedöms ej.
3. Korrektionskvoten (Kk), som anger förhållandet mellan korrektionstiden och medelpoäng/tid, beräknas. För damer är Kk = (60 + Pm)/Tm och för herrar är Kk = (75 + Pm)/Tm
4. Bastiden (Tb), det vill säga den tid som landets bäste teoretiskt sett skulle fått på aktuell bana, beräknas enligt Tb = Tm - Pm/Kk
5. Rankingpoängen (P) beräknas för varje löpare enligt P = (Egen tid - Tb) x Kk
6. Uträkningen kan förenklas något genom att först beräkna Kk och sedan använda sambandet P = Egen tid x Kk - 60 (damklasserna) eller P = Egen tid x Kk - 75 (herrklasserna)

Alla tider räknas om till minuter och hundradels minuter. Vid datorbearbetning används fritt antal decimaler. I exemplet nedan används ett begränsat antal decimaler.
Vid tävlingar i Sverige tas ingen hänsyn till utländska deltagare eller orankade svenska deltagare vid beräkning av rankingpoäng.
SOFT kan om särskilda skäl föreligger korrigera segrarpoängen i enskilda klasser.

Exempel (herrar)

Tider för de främsta, 84.86 - 87.14 - 87.93

Egen tid, 94.75

Tre lägsta rankingpoängen bland de startande, 0.38 - 1.08 - 1.11

Medeltiden (Tm) = (84.86 + 87.14 + 87.93)/3 = 86.64

Medelpoängen (Pm) = ( 0.38 + 1.08+1.11)/3 = 0.86

Korrektionskvoten (Kk) = (75 + 0.86)/86.64 = 0.8756

Bastiden (Tb) = 86.64 - 0.86/0.88 = 85.66

Egen poäng = (94.75 - 85.66) x 0.88 = 7.96

Segrarens poäng = (84.86 - 85.66) x 0.88 = -0.70

Show Profile  Greg Posted: 10 December 2007, 1:06 PM  
Is it not the same as the current NZ one without the scaling factor, and with a EWT of 60 min for Women and 75 for Men.

(It looks like ranked - 1. 3 best ranked, 2.times from initial calculation)

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