mick finn
Posted: 13 December 2007, 6:33 PM
Looking forward to the relays on Hapua Wetlands. Cool
Posted: 15 December 2007, 4:53 AM
Rankings published for 2007.
Posted: 17 December 2007, 2:31 AM
Early Years Other articles added (thanks to Craig from Auckland for
Auckland Champs 1974 added.
If anyone has results of New Zealand champs held on Dec 15 1974 (the only one I'm missing) I would love to get it. Alternatively, if anyone wants to research and photocopy the results from the New Zealand Herald (usally on Monday after event - 16 Dec, 1974) I would much appreciate it - otherwise I will do this at the National Library sometime.
Posted: 18 August 2008, 1:26 AM
I've finally added the results for many events (23 2008 events
and 2007 NZSS) into the database.
Updated rankings coming soon.
Posted: 20 August 2008, 2:43 AM
Rankings updated for period Jan to July 2008.
Posted: 20 August 2008, 3:11 PM
Thanks for doing the stats Bryan. It is really appreciated, I love looking through them all.
Posted: 20 August 2008, 4:36 PM
For elites, what happened to the
"I'll go with 12 months, average best 4, minimum 4. "
(as pulled from a previous discussion. Where Rob C made a good point and Jamie agreed with it)
Posted: 21 August 2008, 4:50 AM
Sorry to clarify, the date range above was only for non-elite classes.
As discussed previously, the rankings for classes other than elites is for a fixed period (usually from the beginning of the year to
some point during the year to stop problems occurring from changing of classes at the beginning of the year).
For the elite classes however, since the previous discussion occurred, I have implemented the 12 months, average best 4, minimum 4. This has been in place for some time.
Interesting to note that if rankings for the elites were taken from Jan to July (instead of the last 12 months) that Carsten and Ross would almost have exactly the same ranking with Ross just 0.02 ahead.
Posted: 28 September 2008, 10:43 PM
WOC and JWOC results added.
Posted: 6 November 2008, 12:49 AM
I've managed to track down the last missing results for NZ Champs - it has only taken me 20 years as Statistician to do it.
After going to national archives for NZ Herald and a bit of detective work - here are the results for the 1974 New Zealand Champs:
Note that Val Robinson came 3rd and John Robinson came 4th - they are still Orienteering well 34 years later. May we all do the same and just Orienteer into the sunset...
If anyone has the full results lurking in the garage or in cardboard boxes - I would love a copy.
Posted: 6 November 2008, 2:02 AM
Others still actively orienteering include Geoff Lawford (Australia) and Max Kerrison.
Paul I
Posted: 6 November 2008, 2:17 AM
Go the Pinelands Club
Posted: 11 June 2009, 2:43 AM
I'm in a lull between planning the Winter Classic and starting up the map portal so I thought I would catch up with the Statistics database and rankings.
Results and rankings added to: http://www.orienteeringresults.com/O/nzof/default.asp
Rankings for 2009 (up to and including QB weekend)
Rankings for 2008
QB 4 events including CDOA champs
NZ champs 4 events
Waitangi weekend 3 events
Oceania sprint, long and middle
Tonic 5 events
Posted: 11 June 2009, 5:31 AM
Hi Bryan,
If we spot errors in the database is it you we contact.
If so then how do you wish to be contacted?
E.g. multiple people with the same name showing up as one and an incorrect class entered.
Posted: 11 June 2009, 10:02 AM
Happy to fix up any errors.
You can either email me - you can find my email address at:
or enter details on the form found on the website: