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Auckland Champs

Show Profile  rob.g Posted: 16 September 2007, 2:27 PM  
Thanks AOC for one of the highest quality area champs ever, with great variety and top course setting on great new remaps.
Great to see top comebacks by Darren and Rachel, and some really impressive junior results.

Show Profile  Selwyn Posted: 17 September 2007, 5:28 AM  
Thanks Rob. As organisers and event officials it has been great to hear lots of positive feedback. Our team of key organising staff did an excellent job. And can look forward to many more events in this area.

Show Profile  nick Posted: 17 September 2007, 6:22 AM  
I'm also happy to say I enjoyed the weekend. Great terrain and courses. Many thanks AOC.

Looking forward to getting back into that native bush to vanquish a few demons...

Show Profile  Jamie Posted: 17 September 2007, 2:47 PM  
thats gotta be up there in the top few of NZ orienteering areas...great thing about the native is that it never gets cut down and never changes much...

Would it be worth spending some money to map that whole big native area properly as an investment for the next 30-40 years....please please please!!!

Show Profile  SimonB Posted: 17 September 2007, 2:51 PM  
how big is it?

Show Profile  onemanfanclub Posted: 17 September 2007, 3:23 PM  
Any decent area of native forest that's accessible, reasonably runnable and not stuck to the side of a mountain would be an asset to have mapped (yes, OF COURSE I know how little of that there is...)especially for those with international aspirations. I didn't go into the big block, but like all the red-runners my first few controls were in that small block. First 2 I'd say I got into the circle OK but lost time getting into the flag. Too used to "clean" plantations where you can orienteer lazy because so often you'll see the flag as you get near the middle of the circle. As opposed to forests with understorey, undergrowth, fallen debris ...and a need to navigate right to the feature. Useful to keep in mind when my next races will be in living, natural forests rather than tree-farms.

And I'll also add my vote of thanks to Auckland OC and everyone involved, great orienteering, got just what I needed from the weekend (yes, even my nightmare in the middle), and thanks for letting us latecomers start on saturday

Show Profile  pcbrent Posted: 20 September 2007, 12:41 AM  
I agree, great weekend. The website seems to have crashed though, probably because everyone is jumping on trying to check their splits.

It would be good if they were on winsplits, they are easier to evaluate then also.


Show Profile  Jamie Posted: 20 September 2007, 9:25 AM  
haha, thats brilliant.....I don't understand why clubs wouldn't just put them up on winsplits anyway, its free isn't it? And as Brent says its a way better system for analysis.

Martin the route gadget man is sorting it out and will have it up over the weekend.

Show Profile  Martin Posted: 21 September 2007, 10:25 AM  
split times are on winsplits. unfortunately there is something really wrong with the middle distance splits...

routegadget to come at some stage

Show Profile  SimonB Posted: 21 September 2007, 1:03 PM  
noo!!! middle splits!!

Show Profile  ole codger Posted: 21 September 2007, 3:56 PM  
Yes a great weekends orienteering. But why no prizegiving? Newcomers find it a great way to put names to faces, juniors get reconization and encouragement for their efforts, Elites deserve their credos as the best in the country and yes, even the old veterans still get a kick out of it.Probably the only ones who find it a bit of a bore are PC tail end charlies who I guess would prefer spot prizes. Yes their is a bit of work in it but with sport id instant time printouts the place getters are soon sorted and the prizegiving can start as soon as the last runner is in. I'm sure o'teers would have hanged around if there had been a announcement time given.

Show Profile  Jamie Posted: 23 September 2007, 7:43 AM  
How could prizegivings actually work and not be a pain?

An idea, the guy with the mike just does it as the results are available, we have like a dias or something at the event, races finish and its something that can be built into the commentary...time the races so some of the more competitive grades/junior grades finish last...

I think people will be in to this...when you're most hyped up by your win, is when the last person in the grade comes in and the race is over...get them straight up on the podium then.

Akld Champs has no real atmosphere outside little cliques of people chatting about their course, kind of geeky and self-centred...any strategys to get away from this and focusing on others in the wider orienteering community have got to be good!

Show Profile  SimonB Posted: 23 September 2007, 8:23 AM  
i didnt really get the feeling it was the regional champs a... it was just like any other club event

Show Profile  Greg Posted: 23 September 2007, 8:59 AM  
Cant have been like any other SI club event, there were no banjos playing

Show Profile  SimonB Posted: 23 September 2007, 9:02 AM  
hahahaha so true! nice one gregg!!!!

Show Profile  onemanfanclub Posted: 23 September 2007, 10:01 AM  
Jamie, you're on a roll with these great ideas that seem so obvious once someone's actually thought of them.

Though there were a few result-oddities over the AK weekend (mostly with people that had changed grade or start time) that took a bit of time to iron out. So "straight up on the podium" might have to be defined as "...after taking a few minutes to make sure there's no glitches to sort out first"

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