Posted: 23 September 2007, 4:12 PM
RG is up for Long champs. Again something is wrong with the middle splits which is out of my control.
Posted: 23 September 2007, 4:16 PM
interesting to see who punched extra controls and who forgot to clear their ecard over the weekend!
Posted: 24 September 2007, 12:34 AM
mmm, also possibility that the organisers didn't clear the e-cards they gave competitors at map change...thanks Greg for figuring this out.
Anyone else having trouble drawing routes on route gadget? My course won't register a control circle (no2).
Posted: 24 September 2007, 1:14 AM
It was doing it to me this morning also. I closed down IE and started from scratch, seemed to fix it.
Posted: 24 September 2007, 3:19 AM
The splits are fine in the file on the AOC website, can you not use that?
Posted: 24 September 2007, 4:31 AM
the AOC website has the html splits, however both WinSplits and RouteGadget need the raw csv files, but the version I must be corrupt, not working for either.
Posted: 24 September 2007, 5:27 AM
cant convert the html splits?
Marquita G
Posted: 26 September 2007, 12:46 PM
Onemanfanclub, could you please put your route on rooted gadget? Rob wants to see how you beat him.
Posted: 26 September 2007, 12:58 PM
I had an Old Codger chasing me for a good chunk of the course - that probably helped ;-)
Posted: 1 October 2007, 5:10 PM
Thanks Alistair for sorting out the Middle Distance Splits. Now I can see just how embarasing turning up was.