New Online Training Diary
Posted: 26 October 2001, 9:14 AM
Im making an online training diary, and I need your help. Not with the actual building, but what is really needed.
Basically its a training diary, online. Thats all I got so far.... (apart from the infrastructure and technology and skills). Its being bult based on a script that my company has written that makes content and data management easy. And will most likely be hosted here at work, but run through some other site (maptalk may want to put its hand up
All I need from you is...what do you want an online training diary to acheive? What features would you like? etc...
Anything goes, but serious replys only please....Im doing this for you so make use of me.
Cool, looking forward to your help...
Posted: 30 October 2001, 6:42 AM
Good on you goodoldandy!
I concur with George Doors' ideas
I also like to have my training plan/program for each day right beside the diary so I can see whether I'm achieving the plan and also whats coming up.
Love your work man
Posted: 31 October 2001, 8:24 AM
An online training diary for orienteering: Link
Posted: 31 October 2001, 8:37 AM
Cheers for your help Mr Doors, Mr Wood and Mr Mills.
I am going to start on a brief tonight, should have a fair idea of what the site is to be about by the end of the week.
However, I still want anyone and everyones opinions/thoughts, cause Im not the best trainer or recorder of training activity.
As you say neil, I am hoping that a major spin off of the online diary is motivation for fellow competitors. If anyones else can think of other ways it can contribute to O other than just keeping records let me know (remember that Maptalk already does an excellent job of events/news.)
Posted: 21 November 2001, 4:08 AM
^^ Yo, just bumping this thread up. ^^
Also I must say that I do not have enough info at the moment to start the project.
I would really like one person who thinks they know what is needed to be in constant corrospondence with me while I am building the application.
Andrew T