Addison you legend
Posted: 25 April 2007, 3:33 AM
Wins the archive quiz on Reunion (Sky's weekly rugby show) last night.
Go you boofhead
Posted: 25 April 2007, 3:35 AM
Sweet, never knew!
Posted: 25 April 2007, 1:11 PM
Rob - do you know exactly what the prize was?
I was sick of seeing that program and seeing all the competitions then knowing the answer, so I finally sent one in for once and whamo!
Posted: 25 April 2007, 7:12 PM
Some odds and sods, a couple of books i think and Speights gear (GEAR, not BEER)
Posted: 9 May 2007, 3:44 AM
Justan Swart
Posted: 9 May 2007, 3:46 AM
THE answer for comp JUSTEN SWART