Christchurch spy required
Posted: 6 December 2006, 8:30 AM
I need someone to give me up-to-date weather information, especially on Friday afternoon and Saturday if current forecasts are accurate. Ideally in the Sydenham / Spreydon area but will consider other locations. $50 for a few ph calls - email me at
Rob C.
Posted: 6 December 2006, 8:42 AM
carsten is always checking out the weather forecasts and is outside in our garden if it is fine (well when he's not slaving away on being high performance director) - I guess we live about a km from Spreydon/Sydenham he could ring you with some weather descriptions if you want I don't think you need to pay him
Today in Ilam it is a beautiful warm, clear, still day and as soon as I've got this program sorted I'm going outside to enjoy it.
Posted: 6 December 2006, 2:39 PM
Ah yes, cricket season, when my brother and his colleagues at Metservice are overwhelmed by midnight phone-calls from the sub-continent wanting to know the forecast for the next five days...
Posted: 6 December 2006, 2:56 PM
tx Jenni - will get in touch tomorrow.