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World Records

Show Profile  darren Posted: 17 September 2001, 3:32 AM  
Yesterday in Woodhill Phil Wood set two new world records on the National O Squad time trial loops. His times of 3mins 06secs for the short terrain loop and 14mins 58secs for the 3km terrain loop are the fastest in recorded history. They will set the benchmark for all future attempts over the courses. Almost as incredible as Phil's two world records is the fact that all the squad members achieved personal best times. This may have something to do with the fact it was the first time the courses have been run. It is intended that the two loops will form part of a monthly fitness testing programme. The next test day will be sometime in late October or early November.

Show Profile  fraser Posted: 26 October 2001, 4:21 AM  
And now the world records are held by David Stewart, who broke the ellusive 3min barrier, for the short terrain loop, and Darren Ashmore for the 3km loop.

Show Profile  Jamie Posted: 26 October 2001, 1:22 PM  
I'm amping for these loops.

Will the Auckland squad risk letting the South Islanders and Australians have a crack at them in January?

keep an eye on cunning corner cutters

Show Profile  darren Posted: 22 December 2001, 8:08 AM  
22/12/01 - New world record for the mens short loop. Phil Wood fresh from his record breaking run up and down Mt Te Aroha last weekend carves 2secs off David Stewarts time for the short loop. The new time to beat is 2.55.

Show Profile  darren Posted: 22 December 2001, 8:16 AM  
P.S - Jamie, I reckon you are full of shit! But I am personally more than happy to take you to Woodhill and show you the loops so you can have a crack at them. Just set a date and time. When do you come up to Auckland for the training camp? I'm setting the training on the first day so maybe we could go early that morning (I wouldn't want you to have the excuse that you are tired from the morning's training) then I can take you to the training afterwards.

Edited by - darren on 22/12/2001 15:18:36

Show Profile  Jamie Posted: 23 December 2001, 2:16 AM  
I'll be there Darren, just for the fun of it of course. I was thinking more of other speedy South Islanders or Australians rather than myself, but if you want a bit of ego satisfaction I'll have a go (just the short one of course).

Show Profile  AndrewT Posted: 9 January 2002, 4:49 AM  
P.S - Jamie, I reckon you are full of shit!

Calling Jamie full of shit is like calling Billy Dee Williams the token black man in Star Wars.

Anyway, how did it go. Surely Jamie has had a chance to try this loop by now.....




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