Posted: 1 August 2006, 6:25 PM
Hi everyone
I plan to travel to N.Z. in January 2007.
Are there any O-events around Dunedin/Chch/Nelson between January and April?
Thanks for helping... ;-)
Posted: 2 August 2006, 1:21 AM
Well there will be some events on, but as to my knowledge, no major events.
We dont do much orienteering over our summer (december-february) but club events normally get going around march.
If there are some events on, here is a good website.........
Posted: 2 August 2006, 2:10 AM
There is possibly going to be a semi-big event at the start of february around taupo. Keep an eye out.
NZ Champs are in April
Posted: 2 August 2006, 1:36 PM
NZ Rogaine Champs (24hr) 3-4 Mar in Marlborough. Likely that other areas will have smaller "buildup" rogaines. Keep an eye on the rogaine calendar on www.mapsport.co.nz/rog/rogaine.html.
There's a 2-day MTB Rogaine in Canterbury called the Cyclic Saga. The website doesn't give the 2007 date but based on this year it might be 10-11 Mar. MTBO is newer than rogaining but there will probably be some smaller events on too. Keep an eye on the MTBO calendar on www.mapsport.co.nz/mtbo/mtbo.html
Posted: 3 August 2006, 1:09 AM
Thank you guys... So I think I'm gonna wait until the 2007-events are posted on this website :-)
The NZ Rogaine Champs in Marlborough sound great!! Is this a team-event or does everyone run by himself?
Posted: 3 August 2006, 4:07 AM
It's for teams of 2-5. See the rogaine website, "what is..."