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IOF Controllers Clinic

Show Profile  addison Posted: 6 June 2006, 3:51 PM  
With limited IOF Controllers in NZ, I have an idea.

Surely someone who can run a clinic will be heading to oz for JWOC next year, howsabout our federation pay for them to fly to NZ a weekend after that or something... and run a clinic here in NZ?

It would be great experience for lots of controllers to have, and even though lots of people that may never do a WRE. It would be quite cost efficient compared to flying people over to Europe to do them wouldnt it?

Show Profile  Marquita G Posted: 7 June 2006, 12:24 AM  
Brilliant idea - you do astound me sometimes Simon. I would be very keen to attend.

Show Profile  addison Posted: 7 June 2006, 4:01 AM  
And perhaps we could take it further - by having them look over our own practices and training for controllers in NZ. I am sure that with the technical committee doing a reworking of how it works, this international input would help heaps.

I for one would be keen to do the course, and I know of a couple of others that would be too. What would it take for us to organise this?

Show Profile  Martin Posted: 7 June 2006, 4:38 AM  
money... everything needs money these days...

but put it to Stuart and the council?

i'd b keen.

This message was edited by Martin on 7 June 2006, 11:40 AM

Show Profile  addison Posted: 7 June 2006, 5:07 AM  

Show Profile  addison Posted: 7 June 2006, 5:12 AM  
If anyone else would be keen to attend one if it was held in NZ, can you please post on here so we can get a feel for support

Show Profile  Greg Posted: 7 June 2006, 6:01 AM  
I'm keen, even more so for the second part of your proposal, to see how we can improve our own controllers training/managing would be of good benefit for all.




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