The Problematic 21-39 Age Group
Posted: 29 May 2006, 10:41 AM
like i said, new thread.
Michael said: "The real problem area is not even the immediate post-school which we have worried about; but the 21-39 group."
So i said: attracting and retaining the 21-39yr old age group is another kettle of fish. (1) half the battle is image. freshen up our O tops. create more atmosphere around event centres. demystify some of the language we use. increase our presence in outdoor/adventure media (2) the other half is having a coherent season (but i won't start that one again) (3) the *other* half is remembering that whereas New Guy started O at 20-something years old, he's racing against guys with 10-20 years experience. He might need some support beyond ad-hoc chats in the carpark. like, have a post-mortem tent for newcomers. And in this sport you're "new" for at least 3-5 years!
Anyway... so where do we all go, the problematic 21-39 year olds? What are we doing instead of orienteering? What else can possibly be as cool?
Travelling? Its the only decent justification I can think of.
Posted: 29 May 2006, 12:07 PM
While those figures were adequate to throw some light on college-age orienteering, you may need some more detail to investigate 21-39. That's quite a wide band, and the participation and reasons we might suppose influenced it, could vary a lot between 21 and 39.
Posted: 30 May 2006, 5:21 AM
The MAPsport Shop announces a new line of orienteering gear. Turns out that the cast of Piha Rescue only use their stuff once and we have been fortunate to secure a quantity of both tops and briefs.
Posted: 30 May 2006, 6:18 AM
what about the silly little caps? would be a great addition to any O suit.