Queen's Birthday Social Event
Posted: 19 May 2006, 4:34 AM
Auckland Orienteering Club
Queens Birthday Social Invitation
Auckland Orienteering Club normally has its club social evening on a Friday night each month. Given people will be around for the Queen's Birthday events, AOC has decided to extend an open invitation for any NZ or overseas orienteers in Auckland for the weekend to join our club members.
Because the Elites will have just completed a special sprint event at Western Springs on a new map of Auckland Zoo and no doubt will have their maps and thoughts ready, we are holding our social evening in that vicinity. We have arranged the use of the Ponsonby Rugby Clubrooms in the Western Springs Stadium.
We are hoping you can join us and suggest you bring any old maps of the QB 3-day event venues and use them as a base for discussion on how to best orienteer on the terrain.
Date: Friday 2nd June 2006
Time: Open from 5.15 pm (showers available for Sprint Event competitors)
Meal: Available from 6.00 pm until about 7.45 pm.
Dinner meal consisting of hot ham, chicken, potatoes, salads and finger food.
Cost: Meal $15.00 per person – children’s meals $5.00 - pay at the venue
Bar: Full bar service
Others: are very welcome to join in even if not having a meal
BUT: it is essential to know names and numbers of those who will be wanting a meal so an appropriate amount of food is ready.
Please: reply with name and numbers requesting a meal to selwyn@quicksilver.net.nz or phone Selwyn Palmer (09) 6257798 before Sunday 28th May
Venue: Western Springs Stadium, at end of Stadium Road at the traffic lights next to MOTAT opposite NW motorway city bound on ramp. Drive through the main stadium gates and park next to the main stadium building. Entry door is the last door on your left.