Posted: 8 November 2005, 2:53 AM
Course Length(km) Climb(m) No. of controls
1 16.8 200 50
what the ... and with clipcards "If you make a mistake, clip the card in the highest numbered empty box." how big are our cards going to be?????
Posted: 8 November 2005, 3:05 AM
ha ha
you got sucked into entering another fucked up PAPO event.
Posted: 8 November 2005, 3:13 AM
Thats because the SIers complain if there isn't evenness in the number of events between the zones for the super series, which ment a pretty good event consisting of 2 different disciplines got cut (Wellington Champs, besides the shear pain of having to run so fast, it was good).
Chris Forne
Posted: 9 November 2005, 3:46 AM
Looks like the North Islanders are already making excuses. Seems to happen each time they come down and get their bottoms whipped.
This message was edited by Chris Forne on 9 November 2005, 11:23 AM
Posted: 9 November 2005, 5:55 AM
At least we know the definition of a middle distance.
Posted: 9 November 2005, 5:49 PM
Aren't those the stats for the middle distance?