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Nationals 2006

Show Profile  Melissa Posted: 6 October 2005, 5:59 PM  
Yes, I know there's already a National topic active on this forum, but I'll let you continue with your discussion there while I ask specifically about the nelson Nats here.

After having a (very cursory) look round online, I can't find much about this event, and having never run in Nelson before I have no idea what the areas are like.

Can anyone who has been to the areas before (are they new maps?) give me a quick run down. Forest/ farmland, steep/flat, fast/technical, etc.

What I really want to know is, if I'm coming all the way from London, is this a worthwhile even to come to. Then I can decide if I should arrange the dates I'm thinking about to suit this event (and catch up with a lot of you).
Who knows? Maybe I'll even go for a training run beforehand.

Show Profile  Keith Posted: 7 October 2005, 2:22 AM  
Here's what i know but as i no longer live in Nelson i'm sure somone else who reads this will know more...

Sprint - Victoria domain, Picton, New map, I know nothing aboutthis terraine, guessing start at the high school and go into the domain, potential to be steep.

Long - Canaan downs, On top of takaka hill by harewoods hole (where 'the gathering' used to be held), Grazed NZ beech forest and downs with some rocky outcrops, sinkholes and generally medium steep spur gully country, New map. Runnability I think would vary between extremly fast on the downs to extremly slow, in rough patches of the beech forest. Would be very technical. No map currently exists like it, closest one is probably Waikaia, should be awesome.

Middle - Big Rabbit, Rabbit island close to nelson, Used twice before NZSSC 2003, SI champs 2004, Typically NZ sand dune terraine, resonbly flat with intricate contour detail, should be good.

Relay - Wither hills close to blenheim, used before mulitple times, Steep open spur gully farmland, technically easy with some detail in streambed erosion gullys, fine for a relay.

Should be a good event particualry the classic.

Show Profile  Melissa Posted: 7 October 2005, 2:02 PM  
Thanks heaps Keith.

Show Profile  Ellmo1769 Posted: 7 October 2005, 2:10 PM  
But what time is the sprint starting on the 14th??




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