Posted: 29 September 2005, 12:25 AM
Legends the lot of them. Hopefully they'll get on the computer b4 the weekend, see these messages and fire up. Good luck to all in the weekend.
Let's get this thread past 116 replies and show what's really important in NZ Orienteering!
Posted: 29 September 2005, 1:50 AM
Too Much, juniors. You rule.
Nah good on you Simon. Noone knows exactly what you mean but the sentiment is admirable. I'll help.
Posted: 29 September 2005, 3:45 AM
Awesome results, wish I was that good technically when I was a junior!
I'll man up by taking my losses with dignity when those boys start running elites.
mick finn
Posted: 29 September 2005, 4:12 AM
Fantastic results, sure to be repeated at the Oz champs! Mind you, giving the Aussies a scare might be counterproductive for '07.
Pencil me in for immoral support Neil and Simon - I've contacted the local bellydancing clique for the Dubbo-Orange area re the opening ceremony.
Posted: 2 October 2005, 2:27 AM
Strange. Tessa not listed in results for Senior girls Schools race, but in the splits she is listed there and was 6th