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Mega Control Course

Show Profile  Greg Posted: 25 September 2005, 4:38 PM

Rob was talking about a NZ attempt before this was done.

Show Profile  Alistair Posted: 25 September 2005, 8:17 PM  
Thought the course planning on this US course was really poor - anyone can plan a route in detailed terrain and put a coutrol every 100m. The Spanish course run by Pasi in Sand-dunes last European winter was much better. Almost every control involved a 70-120 degree change in direction - a real control-picking exercise.

Show Profile  Tim Posted: 27 September 2005, 2:55 AM  
From what I've heard Jeffs in the process of planing a mega race in woodhill next year, along the coastal strip

Show Profile  Greig Posted: 27 September 2005, 7:50 PM  
Yes Alistair I have to agree the course in the US didn't really hold much appeal to me either. With the map he had you could have had a really good event if the controls were spaced out better.

Show Profile  jeffg Posted: 9 October 2005, 4:57 PM  
Yes, I think it will be in March. Won't be a record breaker, only 120 controls or so, but mass start like the Great Day O which I ran in 2001, which was in part the inspiration for an event like this.

Having also seen the US course I agree with your comments Alistair and Greig, and will try to avoid those sorts of setting errors. Do you have a link for the Spanish course map perchance?




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