Posted: 29 March 2005, 10:07 AM
Today I have received confirmation that I have gained a plumbing apprenticeship in Auckland. Therefore I am looking for some long term accomodation (homeboarding) somewhere around Auckland. If anybody has anything to offer can you please post your contact info on this thread and I will contact you.
Thankyou very much
Aiden Ellmers, HBOC.
Posted: 29 March 2005, 10:18 AM
Which part of auckland are you working in?
Posted: 30 March 2005, 3:34 AM
Mt Albert
Posted: 4 April 2005, 6:39 AM
Okay for anyone that would like to know I have found some acomodation in Point Chev and am moving to Auckland on the 2nd of May. However my accomodation is uncertain as at any stage I may be given 2 weeks notice so if anybody knows of people offering Home board around the Mt Albert area they could still leave the info on this thread as I may need it
Posted: 14 April 2005, 2:43 AM
you should do your apprenticeship in the uk. i'm sure theres plenty of english girls who'd let you clean their pipes.
Posted: 15 April 2005, 3:02 AM
And bendover returns from oblivion...
Posted: 15 April 2005, 11:13 AM
Or maybe fix their sink?
Wannahaves NZ
Posted: 22 January 2006, 7:39 AM
Need homeboarding in Auckland, close to the city? From the 27th of February a European family offers a furnished double bedroom to a tidy student. You can make use of the kitchen, bathroom, washingmachine, swimmingpool and spa in the garden etc. Price negotiable.