Posted: 14 December 2004, 2:52 AM
Clare and I are moving to Sweden in April 2005.
We'll be arriving in Stockholm 2-3days before Tiomila and would love to be able to do it. Because it's a relay I presume we will have to belong to a club to be in a team. We are not sure where we will be living yet (depends on orienteering terrain and jobs) so don't want to join a club where we will not be living.
Any ideas on how we can do the relay. We aren't that competitive and would be happy to do any of the legs.
Also any recommendations on areas to live and good orienteering clubs.
Greig Hamilton
Posted: 14 December 2004, 4:14 PM
Hi Greig!
Carsten and I should be in Stockholm by then. We are running for a club called Ravinen which is a Stockholm club so we could arrange for you to run for them. But yes you're right you should figure out where you want to live etc before you join a club. Everyone will probably tell you their club is the best - of people that you know for instance, Rachel is at Lidingo, Sara, Aaron and Lara belong to Soders (both Stockholm clubs) and I used to belong to OK Linne, an Uppsala club. I guess you're best opportunities for jobs are in Stockholm and the terrain is good there and it's easy to get to a variety of other terrain (well as much as Swedish terrain varies). Uppsala is probably easier to live in but much harder to get a job. Gothenberg has nice terrain - I don't know much about jobs. It has the advantage of being easier to get to Norway (and Denmark if you want to try orienteering in sand dunes again!) Carsten has lived a bit on that side of Sweden but I don't know it at all. We can talk to you about the various options that we know about during the Oceania week if you like - and then you can get input from Rachel and other NZers and Australians who have lived in Sweden as well as the Swedes that will be there.
Posted: 17 December 2004, 12:09 PM
Hi Jenni,
Thanks for the info. I'll catch up with you two(or maybe it will be three) in a couple of weeks. I'm sure you'll be sick of all the questions by the time I'm finished. :-)
Posted: 17 December 2004, 2:01 PM
Hi Greig,
You're welcome to contact me as well. I live in Borlänge which is 220 NW of Stockholm. My email address is "al at triona dot se".
Posted: 17 December 2004, 4:02 PM
Yes there will be three of us - Kaia can tell you all about assembly areas for orienteering in Denmark, Sweden and Japan but I fear she will, most likely, only be interested in moaning about her 24 hours of being on a plane!