Posted: 22 October 2004, 7:44 AM
We dont want elites to be walking around the campus before they race - the holding place will be the area surrounding the event centre for the day. This area will definitely be spectator friendly, including spectator control, finish sprint etc.
During the elite race i envisage that peole will be able to watch from various places around the campus, as has happened at other elite sprint races I have been to
Posted: 22 October 2004, 8:34 AM
Provisional pricing is:
JUNIOR: $10, $12
SENIOR: $12, $15
FAMILY: $35, $45
If entrants are not NZOF (or overseas) members then they have to pay a one-event participation fee over and above entry of $9 (adult), $5.50 (junior) or $23 (family). Note, for NZ entrants, 2004 membership will apply, as it will for everywhere else.
This message was edited by Simon Addison on 10 November 2004, 10:36 PM
Posted: 29 October 2004, 2:09 PM
Friday January 7 2005
In Conjunction with the Oceania Orienteering Carnival
NZOF A Grade Event / JWOC Fundraiser
Map: Carrington, used annually for the Auckland Summer Series, the map has been updated since last use. Note: The December 16th Summer Series event on this map is embargoed to all elites. The map itself is hereby embargoed to elites for all training purposes until the event.
Scale: 1:5000, 5m contour interval
Terrain: A Tertiary campus, lots of buildings and small patches of open trees. The map has a creek with varying vegetaion surrounding.
Controller: Alistair Stewart
Planner: Simon Addison
Coordinator: Martin Peat
Start Times: 11am-12.45pm. Elites first start 1pm. All grades will be staggered started.
Sport Ident: All competitors must either provide their own cards, or arrange to hire or purchase. Competitors who have hired a card from the Carnival must pay $3 to use it, and write HIRED in the sport ident number space on entry forms.
Affiliation: Event is NZOF A-Level, and therefore competitors not belonging to a NZ Club or and IOF memebr organisation must pay an extra one-event participation levy of $9 per senior; $5.50 per junior; $23.50 family.
Entry Fees:
Senior $12
Junior $10
Family $35
Late Entry
Senior $15
Junior $12
Family $45
A Junior is anyone eligable to compete in M20/W20 or a younger class in the year 2005.
A Family is up to two seniors living at the same address and any number of juniors that look to at least one of the seniors as a parent.
ELITES MUST PRE-ENTER. The event is being looked at being a Super Series, and therefore we require you to pre-enter. The start list will be reverse ranking order - based on the NZOF ranking list, and OA ranking list. International competitors will be mixed in as well. The mixing will be done in the view of the organisers, the decisions taken on ranking is final.
Australians/Overseas: Because of exchange rate troubles and the extremely high cost of conversion both physically for cheques and also for online banking, we have decided to allow you to enter but not pay with your entry form. You must send your entry form in by the 20th of December OR enter online until the 31st of December. Note that if you enter online after the 20th and before the 31st, your entry is regarded as being Late. If you have sent your entry form either by snail mail or online by the 20th December, your entry is seen as being a commitment to paying and you are therefore eligable to still pay the pre-entry rate. New Zealanders however must send payment either via Direct Credit or Cheque with entry form. Australian/Overseas entries via Snail Mail end on December 20th.
Closing Date: December 20th 2004. Entries will be accepted by post, with Late Entry fees up until 31 Dec, after this we request that you enter on the day, however there will be limited places available in the start block, and we cannot guarntee pre-marked maps. Note: you must have your entry post-marked 20th December or earlier to pay Pre-Entry rate.
Payment: Please make it clear what payment type you have made on the entry form. Please make cheques payable to "New Zealand Orienteering Development Squad". Alternatively payment can be made by Direct Credit to the Development Squad account : ASB Bank, George St Dunedin Branch 12-3150-0153145-00. If using this method please code with contact name and reference 'sprinto'. Also payment on the day for those who are ultra late entries who have left it until on the day.
Any questions / queries email sja13 AT or martinpeat AT
Entry forms will be distributed through email and online - we will announce where you can get these once they are uploaded.
An online form will be put up probably early next week. Again we will announce it when it happens.
Looks likely that 1st,2nd,3rd will get trophies to keep for elite grades. Still not 100% on this, but it looks likely.
Posted: 8 November 2004, 2:50 PM
Details and entry form available at:
Posted: 9 November 2004, 11:21 AM
Online form is now up at the above link. Big thanks to Fraser, hes da man.
Posted: 22 November 2004, 1:07 PM
Well entries are going well. The Australian schools team has fully entered, and the m/w 18's grades are looking extremely strong. Will be very interesting to see what happens on the day in these grades!
Hurry up and enter you Kiwis. Presently we have more entries from Australians than New Zealanders, perhaps because they are more organised? Or maybe its just because they only need to pay on the day....
Auckland Summer series will soon be having entry forms given out at the event, go see martin if you want one once I send them up to him. Otherwise just enter online at or download a entry form and send via snail mail which can be found at that url also.
The event is confirmed as a super series event for elites, so a lot is riding on it! Make sure you enter
Posted: 20 December 2004, 5:16 PM
Well it is now the 21st of December. The Elite Fields have basically been finalised and we are currently working on the start list, hope to have that out to you very soon.
Still waiting on Jamie's entry.... perhaps he may want to contact Martin ASAP.
Just waiting on the possibility of a few more snail mail entries which may creep in that have been postmarked the 20th for the elites.
Posted: 20 December 2004, 5:46 PM
Hopre you got Carsten and my entry which I sent about 10 days ago... It should have arrived in time as it usually takes a week but I just got a letter that has taken over two weeks so if you haven't got it -it's coming (hopefully!) And you should also have an entry from Rune Olsen a friend of Carsten's who's living in Austrlaia? His entry for the Ocenaia champs seem to get lost but maybe he entered your event online anyway.
Posted: 20 December 2004, 5:54 PM
Yeah we have them all. The mens elite field is shaping quite nicely. Also the m18 field is extremely strong.
Posted: 21 December 2004, 1:33 AM
Kia ora Simon,
I sent my and Pennys entry a couple of days ago (17th I believe) I eagerly await the only regret being that I will not have the pleasure of racing your big white ass.
Love Jamie
Posted: 4 January 2005, 4:33 PM
The start list has been published (see below). A great day is instore at Carrington provided the awesome weather holds up in Auckland.
Still want to enter? Late entries will be accepted up until 10:30am on Friday, so its not too late! Pick up an entry form at the Score Event on thursday, or on Friday morning at the event.
Martin [martinpeat at]
Friday 7th Jan Sprint Start List:
McDonald Christopher 12:35
Barratt Matt 12:38
Challen Rhys 12:40
Harvey Jourdan 12:41
Jager Simon 12:45
Lee Tristan 12:39
Long Alastair 12:43
McDonald Scott 12:31
McNally Sam 12:46
Mee Simon 12:30
Murphy Ciaran 12:32
Peat Andrew 12:35
Reynolds Thomas 12:37
Roberts Joshua 12:36
Smith Paul 12:42
Stott Daniel 12:34
Uppill Simon 12:33
Vincent Jack 12:44
Cambridge Tane 11:56
Crofts Dave 11:59
Janes Allan 11:55
Kingston Robert 12:01
Naunton Christopher 11:54
Remouet Michel 11:57
Scammell Adam 12:00
Smyth Ryan 11:58
Ashmore Darren 13:39
Bradshaw James 13:31
Davies Bryn 13:28
de Haas Troy 13:43
Dravitzki Karl 13:42
Edwards Brent 13:32
Edwards Bill 13:34
Flynn Greg 13:36
Forne Chris 13:41
Glowacki Michal 13:27
Gorman Nic 13:20
Jorgensen Carsten 13:44
Kerrison Neil 13:33
Lawson Mark 13:37
Liggins Paul 13:25
Meyer Ian 13:29
Morrison Ross 13:24
Olsen Rune 13:40
Paterson Robert 13:22
Preston Rob 13:30
Renton Tim 13:23
Russell Jim 13:26
Stewart David 13:21
Stewart Jamie 13:35
Walter Rob 13:38
Cory-Wright Guy 11:41
Dent Nick 11:40
Dinsdale Dick 11:42
Gawn Malcolm 11:34
Greenwood Jeff 11:39
Hlawatsch Rudy 11:44
Jager Norm 11:46
King David 11:45
McDonald Rob 11:43
Pacque Paul 11:47
Paterson Tony 11:36
Peat Bruce 11:35
Read Lance 11:37
Whitla Robert 11:38
Aspin Wayne 11:21
Hampton Mike 11:26
Koponen Penttii 11:22
Ogilvie Dick 11:25
Olsen Klaus 11:20
Potter Jon 11:23
Robinson John 11:24
Rossier Hubert 11:27
Wood Michael 11:28
Dinsdale Emily 12:36
Morrison Kate 12:38
Prudoe Emily 12:37
Anderson Bridget 12:24
Berthelsen Tineke 12:10
Booth Ineka 12:22
Brownridge Clare 12:14
Dinsdale Claire 12:11
Gluskie Kylee 12:16
Haas Eleanor 12:12
Harding Heather 12:20
Hembrow Rebecca 12:18
Kean Bridie 12:08
McDonald Cara 12:13
Peat Nicola 12:09
Ramsden Tessa 12:17
Rea Kate 12:23
Turner Kirsty 12:19
Watson Emma 12:21
Whitla Georgia 12:07
Young Jess 12:15
Brocas Renee 11:01
Gray Sarah 11:00
Adams Jenni 13:03
Davey Briohny 13:04
Kane Penny 13:11
Klade Piret 13:08
Neve Mace 13:06
Paterson Claire 13:09
Read Wendy 13:05
Robinson Tania 13:12
Rouse Natalie 13:00
Sheldon Anna 13:10
Smith Rebecca 13:07
Smith Rachel 13:13
Wall Emily 13:01
Whitfield Kellie 13:02
Brothers Penny 11:11
Holder Beverley 11:13
Kinzett Nicola 11:08
McDonald Faye 11:06
Orchard Annette 11:10
Pacque Christine 11:12
Remouet Marie-Pierre 11:07
Whitla Pam 11:14
Wood Hilary 11:09
Abblett Pauline 12:12
Aspin Tricia 12:14
Hay Judith 12:11
Koponen Riitta 12:15
Ogilvie Maureen 12:17
Robinson Val 12:16
Scott Ann 12:13
This message was edited by Martin on 4 January 2005, 11:34 PM