Mark "Mad Dog" Hudson
Dominic Mills
Posted: 18 January 2001, 5:07 AM
What has happened to Mark Hudson?
Is he still into O?
He used to be my favourite orienteer
Edited by - fraser on 2/7/01 10:02:18 AM
Dominic Mills
Posted: 18 January 2001, 5:29 AM
That is not good enough - have you heard of rehab? Basically what you are saying to the entire orienteering community is that you are a pussy.
Posted: 18 January 2001, 5:27 PM
Rob Garden always says get a second, third, and fourth opinion from health care professionals- especially if you didn't like what the first one said. And be wary of physios who set you up on a machine, then go and deal with another client. Physios have a license to print money, and having two clients at once is exactly how it's done. By God it's one of NZ's biggest crimes - Brent should look into it. Take note Claire and Michelle!
Actually I'm seeing a physio currently (not in a personal relationship kind of way - strictly professional understand) who uses only hands-on type therapy like massage to treat muscular ailments. He said he can't find any evidence that typical physiotherapy machines like ultrasound actually help recovery!
stu barr
Posted: 19 January 2001, 2:19 AM
mark is cool. he's one of the least pussy people I know!
Dominic Mills
Posted: 19 January 2001, 6:37 AM
Sorry Mad Dog, perhaps I was a little hasty in my assessment of your character. It seems as if you have explored every avenue as far as rehab is concerned.