HeadHoncho's last cigerette.
Neil K
Posted: 25 June 2004, 12:44 PM
Our beloved president Rob C, has had a "minor" heart attack and is recovering in hospital for a week. Rob C is now understandably determined to give up the smoking and look after himself a bit better so he can continue his sarcastic postings on maptalk for many more years to come.
He will be in Middlemore hospital till atleast wednesday as he undergoes tests, so if anyone wishes to visit him the visiting hours are 11am to 1pm and 3:30 to 8pm. You can ring his ward (stepdown ward?) on 276 0126.
I'll try to keep you posted if he moves to Auckland central hospital on Monday.
Get well Head Honcho.
Posted: 25 June 2004, 2:10 PM
Hey Head honcho (when you get better and can read this).
We love you mate.
No shit!
Posted: 2 July 2004, 4:43 PM
How's HeadHoncho doing at present? I tried emailing him but got an "indisposed" message.
Can't afford to call from Edinburgh...
Get well soon Rob!
Neil K
Posted: 3 July 2004, 2:00 AM
Rob C is out of hospital and pretty good I think. He had a scare but he is all right. Something about a blocked artery or something.