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Show Profile  Andrew M Posted: 2 March 2004, 11:35 AM  
Anyone compete this year? Be keen to hear how things went and whos unfit.

No results around at the moment

Show Profile  Michael Posted: 2 March 2004, 1:57 PM  
I think one of the outstanding performances was from Amber Morrison who was fastest woman on course 5. She has run this course the last two years and got faster each time, this time beating the 02 and 03 winner Tineke Berthelson. As I recall her time was about 1hr45, which compares with about 1hr30 for the top man.

The weather was unhelpful and it got worse on Saturday night. Kaweka J was declared impassable and Course 1 (the long one-dayer) was diverted down to Mackintosh, around the base of the hills to Lakes carpark, and over Kuripapango to the finish. It was won by George Christison. At that stage the Donald River was passable so Course 2 was taken down Mackintosh and to Makahu via the route normally used in the other direction next day. However it rained pretty well all night (and blew a few tents over) and the Donald rose. With the tops not being available for return, plan C was to finish the race there and bus them back to base. However possibly because the bus couldn't get all the way in, they made them do a 12km road run on Sunday morning, and this may have been crucial in the results. Mark Roberts beat last year's winner Darren Morris in the solo category, can't remember the pairs.

By comparison Course 3 was unaffected as it only had the Tutaekuri to cross, possibly Hamish Goodwin won this one. And Course 4 was changed slightly, using the 3-wire bridge route out of Mackintosh instead of round the base of the hills to Lakes. Although wet, camping among the trees at Mackintish was quite comfortable.

Dealing with the weather always adds a special challenge, its a great event. Someone got their 10-year award, and two guys are still battling it out on 14 out of 15.

Show Profile  jeffg Posted: 3 March 2004, 3:38 AM  
I was one of the unfit ones. Course 1 went from the foot of Macintosh spur to Macintosh Hut and out over the 3-wire bridge across the Tutaekuri, then back along the road to the Lakes carpark, and on as Michael mentioned. Hamish Goodwin was first vet on Course 3 (just a notch over 4 h!) and second overall behind Clive Reynolds. AOCers Pete Swanson and Malcolm Gawn came 2nd in the open men on course 2. Well done guys!

Show Profile  Ellmo1769 Posted: 3 March 2004, 2:46 PM  
I completed Course 3 in a very looonnnnggg time. It was enjoyable though but thrashed the body too much for me to compete on Course 5

Show Profile  Neil K Posted: 4 March 2004, 11:51 AM  
I did course 5. Came first. Broke the downhill record. Got my photo on the front page of News paper and front sports section.

James and Bryn pussed out.

Show Profile  ecurb Posted: 4 March 2004, 12:25 PM  
Are the results going to be posted anywhere?

Show Profile  Ellmo1769 Posted: 4 March 2004, 3:00 PM  
You are the man Neil - but downhill checkpoint was about 200m shorter than usual so it shouldn't count unless u totally smoked it

Show Profile  Greg Posted: 4 March 2004, 3:26 PM  
Neil downhill what ever

Show Profile  superOman Posted: 5 March 2004, 4:23 AM  
the results are at:

Show Profile  Natalie Posted: 5 March 2004, 5:39 AM  
Neil you legend.

Rock on




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