Junior Camp 2003
Posted: 31 July 2003, 3:10 AM
The dates, venue, head coaches and manager are now confirmed.
Initial registrations are now OPEN, contact coaching@nzorienteering.com to get your name on the list now and receive an information sheet.
Acceptance for the camp operates on a first in first served basis (prioirty for NZOF affiliated members)...REMEMBER last years camp sold out quickly. So if you, or your child, is in years
9-12 get in quick. Years 13 may be accepted if numbers allow.
dates: 14-20th of December
location: TOPEC, New Plymouth
head coaches: James Bradshaw, Karl Dravitski
manager: Annie Sanderson
contact/registrations: Jamie Stewart, coaching@nzorienteering.com or (03) 4792512
- a further paid position may be advertised if numbers require
- volunteers (expenses paid) are sought to coach at this camp and train as 'intermediate level' coaches. Contact Jamie if interested.
- parents, or others, available to be an adult helper on this camp are more than welcome.
Annie would love to hear from you, ph 06 753 3541
Posted: 4 August 2003, 12:38 PM
Do you have to be a club member to go. I have 3 guys from my school who are keen as to go and could use the tips and coaching.
Posted: 5 August 2003, 2:19 AM
NZOF members get priority, it is a service they pay for.
Any left over spaces may be made available to non-nzof members. Although I don't envision this happening as the camp will probably sell out.
There's one way around this problem David...perhaps you could have a chat to your club.
Edited by - jamie on 5/08/2003 09:20:56
Posted: 5 August 2003, 9:00 AM
Doesnt bother me Im a club member. I think what Ill do is sign them up to HVOC its only like 12 bucks and plus it means they get discounts at events and can compete at nats. Top notch idea but does it still count?
Posted: 5 August 2003, 2:48 PM
Brenda is right, there isn't much incentive to join a club. David quotes $12 but I would think that might be a promotional, first-time rate for a junior. Orienteering Hutt Valley's subs are $40 and $20 (with half-price for first-time orienteers), and its quite hard when you're writing the enticing(!) words for the back of the sub form which you are going to stuff into the hand of newcomers.
You get a monthly magazine. (Yeah, but OHV puts the results and calendar on their website, so I can get that for free. Sometimes they even send out email reminders to past attenders whether they are members or not.)
You get a discount at events. (Yeah but its only a couple of bucks, and half the time the people on the desk feel misguidedly embarassed about asking for it, and park and school series events they don't charge it anyway)
You get access to NZOF camps (Yeah but I heard that they take non-members too)
You are eligible for selection to squads and teams (Yeah well I'm a beginner, that's a while away)
You get involved in running events (Aaaaah, so I can avoid being asked to do work by NOT becoming a member....)
You contribute to a lot of unseen work that goes on in a sporting organisaiton. (Yeah right, think I'll just take my chances and come as a casual.)
Posted: 7 August 2003, 3:16 PM
Who is Wayne Keer?
Posted: 8 August 2003, 6:55 AM
I (honestly) knew a Wayne Carr at school. Didn't know he'd got into orienteering though. But I do think some people just shouldn't be allowed to name their own kids.
Posted: 24 August 2003, 9:39 AM
Jamie, has the camp been booked out now because I have a few people asking about it.
Posted: 25 August 2003, 5:12 AM
nowhere near
Posted: 6 September 2003, 1:28 PM
Posted: 7 September 2003, 3:09 PM
Things have changed a bit now,
33 people on the priority list...perhaps 40 places....
Encourage your friends to get in quick
Posted: 7 September 2003, 4:01 PM
How many people is the camp taking Jamie?
Posted: 8 September 2003, 3:17 AM
I'd guess at "perhaps 40 places", Simon!