Posted: 26 May 2003, 5:25 AM
Of course the 2003 Nationals had more participants than the previous four years, they all came to see my remarkable comeback.
Posted: 26 May 2003, 7:46 AM
Run any half-marathon pbs lately, Malcolm?
Posted: 26 May 2003, 12:32 PM
yeah I wouldn't have any problem with the elite nationals been at Queens birthday, particularly, just the classic, but its not a big big problem like quite a few other things in NZ orienteering.
Greg, no five years is not enough, it may take 10-15 to get the calender fully sorted.
Posted: 26 May 2003, 2:51 PM
Malcolm. It was just a general statement. I knew it was anzac weekend. Thats why I said Nationals/anzac.
Posted: 1 April 2009, 10:27 AM
Ahhhh ... nostalgia
Posted: 1 April 2009, 1:54 PM
classic, looks like Greg and I are sticking to our guns, but what about Simon "Nationals too expensive" Addison, priceless. And whats happened to Malcolm?
Posted: 1 April 2009, 2:25 PM
I'm still sticking to my comment about the relay, pitty I wont be able to laugh while watching you stuff up the first control after you have taken off in front, again!
Posted: 2 April 2009, 2:32 AM
"its not a big big problem like quite a few other things in NZ orienteering"
i was waiting for someone to make this call - i actually agree! despite having vented in another thread... there are greater threats to NZO than our confused event calendar.
having said that, I think that *all* major NZ events are arbitrary and essentially meaningless outside themselves, given that they bear no relation to one another. they are a random assortment of one-off events which happen to be called XYZ champs... and they will continue to be until they are combined into a season of some sort. And meantime we'll continue to look like a bunch of difficult freaks and weirdoes to funders, sponsors, media, and newcomers.
Anyways... my current mission is to gain acknowledgement that a coherent build-up to an Easter nationals is at our finger-tips... we're already doing most of it, we just need to combine our efforts and we'll be there. I hope it doesn't take another 10 years Jamie!
Posted: 2 April 2009, 5:45 AM
(shakes head) note Nick I made that call in 2003! - I'm not up for fighting this battle again. I probably used to care, I don't anymore, happy to do Nationals (and any other event) whenever they suit me basically.
Good luck to those seeking to create a season, I hope it works out.
Posted: 2 April 2009, 4:52 PM
After so many years, I have just thought of the perfect solution.
Let the three Auckland-based clubs join the Australian federation. They hold the Nationals late Sept/early Oct EVERY YEAR. Perfect for Aucklanders. And airfares to Sydney are about the same cost as those to Christchurch.
Hold the applause as I exit stage left.
Posted: 3 April 2009, 2:17 AM
Jamie - oh wise old man, please forgive me for not having been in orienteering as long as you... just started in '03... perhaps i should preface every post with that disclaimer?
Honcho - not a bad idea... the weather is good in Oz that time of year and we wouldn't have to go to Christchurch ever again!
Posted: 3 April 2009, 5:43 AM
Actually, I think you'll find that the Auckland "season" is already optimised to feed into the Australian champs. This year there is a series of OYs leading into the Auckland champs a week before the Australian champs in Victoria which are just before the ACT midweek carnival which is just before the World Masters in NSW which in turn feeds nicely into the SI champs the following weekend (or two late OYs back in Auckland).
Last year was similar (without the World Masters, obviously); next year the Australian champs are in SA at the end of September so ditto probably while in 2011 the Auckland Champs will be the ideal build up to Oceania in Victoria / Australian Champs in ACT in October.
Honcho, what paperwork do we need to fill out to change federations? Perhaps you'd better forward it to us after Easter :-)
Posted: 3 April 2009, 7:08 AM
The reason the Auckland 'season' looks like that is because old buggers do the planning and wanted a build up before World Masters, they can get that but we cant get a build up to Nationals
Posted: 3 April 2009, 8:36 AM
Honcho - Its not a bad suggestion, its certainly an event worth going over for in itself.
(Nick...just pointing out that you had been "waiting" for a comment I made in are a lawyer you should be able to keep things in context and not make unfair allusions that don't resemble true meanings).
Posted: 3 April 2009, 8:36 AM
Honcho - Its not a bad suggestion, its certainly an event worth going over for in itself.
(Nick...just pointing out that you had been "waiting" for a comment I made in are a lawyer you should be able to keep things in context and not make unfair allusions that don't resemble true meanings).