Great new area for WOA OY.
Posted: 2 October 2000, 5:31 PM
OY7 - October 15th - TIKARA (also known as Spicer Forest)
Entirely pine forest. Runnability varies from the absolutley brilliant
(grass underfoot) to very dense thinnings (which you will not go into).
There are some small areas of native bush beneath the pines and some parts
where dead gorse stalks reduce visibility substantially but do not
significantly impede progress. The terrain is moderately steep but the
maximum height differential over most of the area is only 50m. Only the two
longest courses will have any longer climbs.
The area is small and very detailed and to accommodate this and avoid the
need for a magnifying glass, the map will be at a scale of 1:7500.
Approximate course lengths are: RL-5.1km, RM-3.7, RMS-2.8, RS-2.1; OM-2.8,
OS-2.0, Y-2.0, W-1.5.
Please note that parking at the event is EXTREMELY LIMITED. Please share a
ride with others. People arriving alone in a vehicle may be required to park
up to 2 (yes TWO) km away.
The event will be signposted from the Johnsonville roundabout at the
Johnsonville exit from SH1. Proceed into the Ohariu Valley but at the
junction with Rifle Range Road turn right into Ohariu Valley Road. It is
about 5km from this point to the end of the road and the event centre.