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Make it easy (or not)

Show Profile  Rolf Posted: 11 June 2018, 11:23 AM  
I read with some horror the detailed conversation about trying to get SIAC working properly.
I should start by admiting that I have not used SIAC so perhaps I don't understand the incredible excitement it will add to my day. I get it for MTBO, but otherwise it sounds like a hassle for sod all gain!

The latest ONZ strategic plan lists the highest priority as "Make it easy"

I struggle to see how SIAC makes it easy and based on all the issues in the forum topic on SI organisational matters... I have made a mental note to avoid organizing an event that has this extra complexity.

Show Profile  fraser Posted: 11 June 2018, 1:20 PM  
Have you been using the Map Run app for your local events, how have you been finding that?

Show Profile  Rolf Posted: 11 June 2018, 3:35 PM  
Bloody annoying that I don't get to lean on the control and get a rest.

Bloody great that it is so easy to run an event. No controls, no computer equipment, No SI equipment, instant results online. No triple checking some SI box somewhere that some check box is on.. and then despite thousands of hours of effort having a feeling of disappointment because I missed 3 of them.!

Show Profile  mcroxford Posted: 12 June 2018, 2:03 AM  
The problem that arises with SIAC is that clubs choose to not enable SIAC for their events. Except perhaps for a major race then it's a palaver. Nelson has theirs activated for all SI events. No more double checking. Just sync the start and finish each time and go.

Show Profile  mcroxford Posted: 12 June 2018, 2:05 AM  
And there's a new app called o-track by Denmark Orienteering that looks excellent if anyone can get it working.




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