Grass Roots Orienteering
Posted: 24 August 2018, 1:23 PM
Onslow College 1st and 2nd in the Wellington round of Get2Go this week, clearly the result of training at "Sprint Adventure Races" along the Hutt River corridor:-)) See above. You can download the maps for the 2nd S.A.R. at
Posted: 9 September 2018, 12:58 PM
Perhaps not grass roots but today was the inaugural Rainbow Skifield Ski-Enduro Orienteering. Nathan Fa'avae set the courses and field worked a base map I created. The central T-bar was untimed. Very well received with about 30 individuals and teams entered. Watch out next year for the same event.
Posted: 10 September 2018, 2:47 PM
Am following in Rolf's footsteps re cellphone app to record control passage. (Air controls without SIAC!) Not quite ready to ditch having our own maps, but I accept that may be vested interests at work:-)) How are you going with getting updates accepted by Open Street Map, Rolf?