Posted: 16 June 2016, 7:22 AM
The Waiuku event appears the same as when I loaded an XML file for the results, not the XML file for the splits. There are IOF XML standards for lots of things, so an extension of .xml is not a guarantee that its the right file for RG. The same would apply to a .csv file.
Posted: 25 July 2016, 12:38 PM
The NZ RouteGadget homepage has been updated and now includes links to Gavin's articles, the admin area, and the admin guide. The admin guide is now hosted on a wiki so updates and corrections can be made by anyone at anytime. All contributions are welcome. Its possible to add other pages and sections to the wiki. The Routegadget Admin guide on the ONZ website will most likely be updated to point to the wiki version.
routegadget.orienteering.org.nz and routechoice.orienteering.org.nz now point to rg.orienteering.org.nz as well as routechoice.co.nz. Which way you decide to get there is up to you but it may take a day or two for the new redirections to work.
If you have any other content or suggestions to add to the routegadget homepage or wiki let me know.
Posted: 25 July 2016, 12:40 PM
NZ Secondary Schools Orienteering Champs 2016 Long Distance and Relays Events have been uploaded to NZ Routegadget.
Posted: 25 July 2016, 3:05 PM
GPS Routegadget Guru's:
Is someone interested in volunteering to create an introductory article or video on how to use GPS tracking with Routegadget. Anyone interested please or do you know of a good article we can link to? Contributors can include their name, profile, and link back to their personal site if interested.
Is anyone using the Routegadget Admin's "Calibrate map with GPX file" option?
Anyone using Routegadget Adhoc? http://www.attackpoint.org/discussionthread.jsp/message_1112956
What else needs to be covered that's not?
Posted: 8 April 2018, 2:41 PM
Can't play the animation for the national sprint, competitors who clicked their route in. Those who loaded a GPX file seem to work. Is it just me? I can't see the long middle and relays either.
Posted: 8 April 2018, 3:53 PM
My guess is that the results file used to set up the event is in xml format rather than an csv file.
Posted: 9 April 2018, 3:45 PM
Hi Michael. Just wondering if you loaded the OHV Belmont courses into routechoice? It has the same problem as the Nationals sprint event.
Also if anyone from AOC wants me to load the files onto routegadget I'm happy to do so. I need a gif file of the map. A version 2 condes XML file of the courses or an XML file from purple pen. And lastly a csv file of the results. Cheers.
Posted: 9 April 2018, 9:21 PM
Yes it looks like a very similar problem. No it wasn't me for Belmont. Suggest you make your offer to secretary@ohv.org.nz, and the AOC secretary.
Posted: 15 April 2018, 10:54 AM
I just uploaded the event for Nelson at West Bay using a CSV results files and it is working perfectly. So the problem lies with uploading XML files.