Posted: 10 February 2003, 9:41 AM
Looks like the Auckland Orienteering Assoc (or certain people within it) are still not accepting the timing of the Nationals being at Easter.
A prime example - compare the event build up for our premier event with that for the Auckland Championships.
They are still building the event season around October.
Why ????
Neil K
Posted: 11 February 2003, 2:22 AM
It's obvious...the America's Cup is on at the moment.
Dave Barr
Posted: 11 February 2003, 11:55 AM
Why don't all clubs just organise their events to fit within the orienteering season?
Neil K
Posted: 11 February 2003, 2:59 PM
Mr Mash,
Auckland is hot and dry for the next couple of months. The Woodhill Forest is where Auckland and Northwest hold alot of there "quality" forest events and OY's. This forest could well be closed to mappers, course setters, controllers and competitors if this weather continues. This could be why there are summer series park races and Score events on farmland coming up. Also they are good fast orienteering events with high participation...ideal buildup to nationals wouldn't you say. O Yes.
Posted: 13 February 2003, 5:35 AM
Surely this orienteering season debate all stems back to whether you use a baseplate or thumb compass?