Posted: 27 November 2014, 4:08 AM
At the Auckland Summer Series event at Churchill Park last night, the local radio club offered an ARDF option. From memory, this was the second time we've had ARDF at a Churchill Park event.
I know ARDF is fairly big in Melbourne with an entire club dedicated to it but has it featured much at NZ orienteering events (as opposed to being offered at radio club events that orienteers may not know about)?
A brief summary for those who can't be bothered googling it: ARDF (amateur radio direction finding) is orienteering where the controls aren't marked on the map but have a radio transmitter broadcasting a morse code signal that orienteers must locate by triangulation.
Posted: 27 November 2014, 11:32 PM
that's the amateur version - in the professional leagues that I've taken part in, there's not even an orienteering map provided, and the controls move around as you're trying to find them....
Posted: 27 November 2014, 11:36 PM
sorry that seems to be a non-public link so don't bother with it - and apparently I've forgotten how to edit a previous post here....
Posted: 28 November 2014, 3:20 AM
Nick is that the one where they have guns?