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Show Profile  rob.g Posted: 10 August 2013, 12:07 PM  
I don't envy the selector's job, but once again there is an incredibly long gap from the NZSS Champs to find who has made the team for Australia.

Need to select 4 teams of 4, with one a no brainer, so that means more than 4 days has passed for each of the other 3 teams.

The kids must be tearing their hair out, and air fares are rising as it is school holiday time.

Come on Peter, Alistair and Bill, make a decision!!!

Show Profile  Jamie Posted: 12 August 2013, 4:15 AM  
With all due respect to the current crop of selectors, who have all contributed much to NZO.

This is an ongoing problem. I personally have experienced the reality both as a manager and athlete of the costs of delayed selection process. Thousands of dollars.

I don't understand why, as has been done at times in the past, that selections can't be made on the date of the final trial.

Perhaps this needs to be written into the selector role, as a clear expectation from the NZOF.

Show Profile  rossmaxmo Posted: 12 August 2013, 5:25 PM  
Perhaps NZ schools teams would be better off being selected by a individual/group that is/are more present in the schools orienteering scene. With prior knowledge of athletes before NZSS I'm sure a quick and fair decision on the team would be a fairly straight forward process after the competitions.

Show Profile  Martin Posted: 13 August 2013, 12:54 AM  
At least in previous years, input was sought from the schools coordinator.

The way the Australian schools honours team is selected and announced is great. It provides valuable recognition of the team members.

Show Profile  Jamie Posted: 13 August 2013, 1:30 PM  
Senior Boys
Thomas Eatson Taupo nui a tia College
Shamus Morrison Onslow College, Wellington
Tim Robertson Hutt International Boys' School, Wellington
Nick Smith Cashmere High School, Christchurch

Senior Girls
Kayla Fairburn St Cuthbert's College
Vida Fox Napier Girls High School
Brianna Massie Napier Girls High School
Alice Tilley Diocesan School for Girls, Auckland

Junior Boys
Stephen Harding Geraldine High School
Cameron de IIsle Long Bay College, Auckland
Connor Cleary Rangiora High School
David Rawnsley Napier Boys High School

Junior Girls
Lara Molloy Wellington Girls' College
Steph Harding Wellington Girls' College
Danielle Goodall Thames High School
Georgia Creagh Napier Girls High School

Manager: Anna Robertson (Hutt Valley)
Coach: Derek Morrison (Hawkes Bay)

Show Profile  hughff Posted: 13 August 2013, 2:06 PM  
A good team. Well done to all who made it and best of luck to you in Oz.

Also commiserations to those who missed out. Better luck in the future.

Show Profile  theoman Posted: 13 August 2013, 2:29 PM  
Aussie gonna get smashed




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