Posted: 30 November 2012, 1:03 PM
All the best to everyone involved this weekend. I'm sure about half the team could be named now without any controversy but may the rest of you make the selectors decisions as difficult as possible ;-) !
Posted: 2 December 2012, 10:00 AM
Saturday's results are on Winsplits. Tim and Ross in the men, Lizzie and Lizzie in the women. Today's chase won by Tim by a few seconds from Chris, and Lizzie by rather more. Pretty clear for the 1st slot anyway...
Posted: 2 December 2012, 12:51 PM
Does anyone know why Tim R isn't in the Middle results?
Posted: 2 December 2012, 12:54 PM
Tom's blog has todays results.
Posted: 2 December 2012, 1:04 PM
Tim was selected in the NZ team for the schools challenge. It's being held on the same map as the trials.
Posted: 3 December 2012, 7:54 AM
I spy...on the NZOF website - the NZ team for the World Cup!
Posted: 3 December 2012, 9:36 AM
Thanks to everyone who helped out with the trials, good fun weekend of orienteering. Very specific to races and produced a good team. Really appreciated.
Posted: 3 December 2012, 10:18 AM
Hey!!! Don't rain on our parade for having a team member from Nelson. OBOP has Rachel, can't we take the credit for Brent? It is the new year...
Posted: 3 December 2012, 1:09 PM
Congratulations everyone, it was fantastic to watch. Great to see some juniors making the team.
Posted: 3 December 2012, 11:36 PM
Results are now at:
Tane Cambridge
Posted: 4 December 2012, 12:59 AM
Yep, thanks to the organisers for the weekend, good courses, well organised and thoroughly enjoyable.
I suspect there is a little work to do on the finishes though. May need to have a greater distance between the laser finish line and the finish punch. Its quite hard to stop in 10m when your are traveling 20km/hr plus across the line! Plus the person with the finish punch needs to get out from behind the desk and basically grab the finishes and make them punch asap like they do in Europe! Maybe put the download desk well away from the finish area as well, so its clear where to Download and its not confused in the finish area? Anyway just a few ideas, take or leave them as you see fit!
Is it possible to see a combined and overall result for the chasing start on the website too?
Posted: 4 December 2012, 1:38 AM
Something isn't right with those results from the chasing start.
Posted: 4 December 2012, 2:10 AM
the cable from the light beam to the finish punch is only 10m long - not sure why it was designed like that. Will see if we can make an extension for it. At WC the computer getting the light beam times will be separated from the download computer - ie further down the chute.
Posted: 4 December 2012, 3:00 AM
Tane, as you which sir... The totals are now on: (Added the times manually so hopefully my brain got it right...)
Brent, can you please be less specific so we would have less clue on what could be wrong?
Posted: 4 December 2012, 3:01 AM
Was it a cow breaking the finish beam or did ECW really run rings round you all in the finish chute?
Posted: 4 December 2012, 3:12 AM
On closer inspection, were there perhaps three cows in the light beam?