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Vision & Map Reading

Show Profile  Scott V Posted: 24 November 2012, 12:24 PM  
I'm looking for some advice on orienteering for the short-sighted. I have been using contact lenses with one lens enabling me to read the map, the other more for longer vision, but I'm struggling to read the map now. I'm looking at getting some half cut lenses in a sports frame which will allow me to read the map by looking below the lens. Have been quoted nearly $1000 for these including the eye examination. Has anyone experienced the latest in anti-fog treatments? Does it work in the rain? In the heat?

Show Profile  Dwayne Posted: 25 November 2012, 1:17 AM  
I use a close focus and long focus set of contacts too. Originally setup by the optometrist with the long focus on my dominant (right) eye. I had problems with taking time to focus on the map instantly. When I changed the prescription to have the close (map) focus on my dominant eye the problem of instant focus went away. You might ask for a test pair of lenses with the focus the other way around.

Show Profile  onemanfanclub Posted: 25 November 2012, 2:02 AM  
I'm not sure this answers any of your questions, but a couple of things I've found regarding fogging, especially in wet weather. First of all, due to some physics stuff I don't really understand, the smaller lenses that sit closer to the face that are the current fashion in glasses seem to be less prone to fogging than larger glasses. Also a little smear of dishwash detergent over the lenses seems to effectively slow down fogging (not completely eliminate it, but there's only been a handful of times since someone got me on to that trick that I've found glasses start to become a limiting factor on wet days, compared with almost garaunteed blindness beforehand)

Show Profile  jeffg Posted: 27 November 2012, 12:45 AM  
Hmmm, don't think there'll be many juniors on this thread. I'm getting a bit p***** off with glasses and am (just) starting to try the variable focal length contacts now, but with the dominant eye on long vision. That's a good idea from Dwayne, though, about having the dominant eye on close focus. The trouble with contacts is that you no longer have the option of lifting glasses up and getting the map really close. I use a twisty Silva magnifier for reading detail around control circles, etc, but it too is a bit tricky in the rain, or when there is bright light reflecting off it. I don't think the cut off glasses will cause much trouble with fogging, as they're narrow enough to get air flow behind the lens. Of course you have to keep running. As soon as you make a mistake and stop running, your glasses fog up as a form of punishment.
Scott, I'm surprised a man of your experience bothers much with the map. Just give it a quick scan at the start and go like stink...

Show Profile  Michael Posted: 27 November 2012, 3:19 AM  
My experience is only with long-sightedness. If you can get glasses that have a similar low profile to the lookover glasses sold by good orienteering shops, I don't think you will have trouble with fogging. As Jeff and Oneman suggested, the fogging comes from trapping hot moist air against the face, and there's not much "glass" to do the trapping. I've never had this problem with them even at a standstill.

Rain however, is a problem. Given that there's no cheap off-the-shelf solution for short sightedness, I think you need to investigate contacts. If you can find a contact with Mark McKenna of Rotorua, he's an orienteering optometrist.

(Dang - initially got my longs and shorts mixed up. Almost as bad as the large scale/small scale thing.)

This message was edited by Michael on 27 November 2012, 10:22 AM

Show Profile  AllanJ Posted: 27 November 2012, 11:44 AM  
Or you could just do what I did - go under the laser. No more glasses or contacts to worry about. Expensive one off cost but given cost of glasses/etc works out pretty even.

Show Profile  Scott V Posted: 7 December 2012, 1:36 PM  
Thanks for everyone's advice. I tried some bifocal contact lenses, but the vision was only about 90% good for reading and long distance. By accident (lost one lens) I discovered the solution was to run with one contact lens - reading vision 100% and long vision 100%. Thought I might have trouble judging distance but been alright...unless you see me run in to a tree, then you'll know it wasn't.




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