Posted: 26 November 2012, 5:28 AM
So much innuendo - it's almost libellous. If I was an NZOF official I wouldn't be very happy with what you wrote, Ross.
There's a great Thai saying - Jai Yen Yen - keep a cool heart.
I hope everyone in the team can put these issues behind them and concentrate on what I hope they love doing - that's running hard and doing our country proud.
My opinion is still the same - not a good look for NZ orienteering when we can't even fund our own team when
it's on our own soil and they are all representing us.
If someone wants to set up an account, I'd be willing to
donate some money to the team to pick up some of the shortfall that the NZOF are unwilling to cover.
Posted: 26 November 2012, 6:15 AM
Well put, Bryan, on all counts.
Posted: 26 November 2012, 7:15 AM
Thanks Bryan. I will try to cool my heart. It's maybe too full of blood from all the training. I don't think you can call it libellous when I address a real problem. The use of innuendo is only to save Simon some embarrassment, It would be much worse if I went along the lines of 'Simon did this, Simon did that...'. Publicising evidence and testimonials would only send things down a one-way street, and that's not what I want. Maybe it's time I give this a rest as Simon's lack of response only serves to vilify me and nobody else wants to speak up ( likely due to world cup trials looming).
That's generous of you to offer to donate towards the team, and I'm sure everyone would appreciate it, but I don't think it should be up to you and other supporters to provide for the team in that way. Like you said, it's not a good look that NZOF can't find a way to fund the teams entries... I think it's more of a case of won't rather than can't.
Re The trial entry fees, I find it strange nothing has changed there yet when it's coming up this weekend! That would be as if everyone entering Katoa Po had to pay a full entry to Sprint The Bay due to our potential lost revenue because we were forced to move our event away from that weekend.
Posted: 26 November 2012, 11:30 AM
At these you guys over in NZ can ask questions, and get answers, even if you may not agree with them all
Posted: 26 November 2012, 2:15 PM
Garden, you're off my Xmas card list,
Jymbo, you need to immigrate,
Ross, the messenger always get shot,
Bryan and Jeff, I'll provide you with my Nigerian bank account details shortly ...
Posted: 26 November 2012, 3:00 PM
Lucky I'm immortal.
Be careful with that Rob, I got a call from a Nigerian once, they were trying to sell me their kid.
Posted: 27 November 2012, 11:04 AM
I think Honcho is right about a better distribution of subsidies. Perhaps the top three in each gender being completely subsidised and the others funding themselves (I am happy to do this should I pull out a decent race at trials and squeak into the team).
The difference between the top three and the rest of us is like that old saying of Martina Navratilova about the bacon and the eggs...and maybe in this case the pig is squealing.
For me orienteering has always been a pastime I do with my mates. I have occasionally been surprised, and gratified, by support,for my limited efforts, but it is something to be thankful for, not expect.
I'm surprised at the rest of you blathering on, we obviously haven't had enough opportunities to get on the piss and talk shit recently.
Posted: 27 November 2012, 12:03 PM
STB After party! Should be insane!
Tane Cambridge
Posted: 27 November 2012, 12:11 PM
We have known about this World Cup being in NZ for about a year and a half if I'm correct. I'm surprised (maybe not...) that it has taken this long for all this entry fee stuff to come about. Surely we could have allocated funds for the entry of the NZ team, or found some sponsorship or something in the 1.5 years of build up? or arranged special entry for the World Cup Squad? Surely its not all that hard to arrange special treatment for the top Orienteers in NZ or is it? Seems like there is a bit of bitterness towards the elites and sometimes we do prance about like we own the place a little bit. But we all contribute just as much as everyone else on top of our own ambitions.
Easy to say in retrospect...and maybe this was the intention of the World Cup Squad which was named earlier this year? I guess its always going to be difficult to organise this sort of stuff if its purely volunteer driven, but funds have been allocated so these positions are strictly not complete voluntary roles?? So maybe something here could have been done a bit better?
And as a side note I think if you're going to rip us off on entry fees for the World Cup Trials its probably wise not to tell us you're doing it to recover costs of us potentially not entering the Oceania races... For organised people like myself who entered back in July (on the premise that entries would be refunded if you were in the World cup team) this is not really an acceptable excuse is it? The organisers have had $300+ of my entry fees for 6 months or so, so I'm not sure they're losing out at all?